Elite Tennis Agency Acquires Tennis Base Center a Google News Website.

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December, 2022 Elite Tennis Agency - A sports marketing agency that specializes on the sport of tennis has recently acquired a new web property: Tennis Base Center which is a Google Certified News Website. “The addition of this property to our portfolio makes it much easier for us to get the news out about our athletes and brands faster than if we were to do press releases through traditional media.”

When media is spread across the internet it's not like the old days where you have one news outlet and a bunch of subsidiaries underneath the same umbrella. You need to pick up new outlets.

We can't rely on the current news sites to push stories out about our athletes.

We know the agencies in charge of athletes are the same ones with broadcasting rights and ownership of all of these major news conglomerates. We have to use our competitive advantage and marketing knowledge to spread the word about the athletes and brands we represent. “As the other outlets start to notice us maybe they will be more willing to partner, but for the time being we aren’t going to stop putting on content which means we have to keep acquiring websites like TBC.”

Get the latest tennis news from the most reputable sources.

Tennis Base Center is not only a Google News Certified website, it’s got a reputation in tennis and that means a lot to us given we’re narrowing our focus and keeping it related to the niche of tennis instead of doing other sports like the other agencies.

Tennis is the largest sport globally, yet it receives a small portion of broadcasting rights which means little money trickles down from the top to the player level. Most people wouldn't believe that because they see players making $25-100 Million per year as Tennis Players, but what they don't know is that most of that is sponsorship money even the tournament money largely comes from Sponsors like Rolex who pays for placement on the time clocks or Porsche who pays for banner placement and their cars to be shown on display at their own designated tournaments. This is how players are paid and unless you're in the top 50, even the top 25, it can be difficult to get sponsorship money. I know players in the top 10 with little sponsor money because it all seems to be concentrated on individuals who have the backing from larger organizations. The only way to fix it is to bring in new sponsors and increase exposure among current fans and prospective fans outside of tennis.

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