Potential Way to Make A Lot Of Money (Worldwide)

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3 years ago

Aside from taking surveys for pennies and all of that i want you to challenge yourself and learn a skill and use that skill to make money, if you are not from US, UK, Australia or Canada where they have lots of opportunities open to them please take your time to read this and try to act upon it. 

  Yes i know most of us know Fiverr, it’s not new to us and i know most of you guys are going to say ahh it’s very competitive, no one is going to buy my gig bla bla bla. but i want to tell you today is that everything is competitive. it’s like saying instagram is competitive that no one is going to follow you, if you provide value and your gig is quite cheaper than the big dogs i really do think people would buy your gig. first off don’t expect to start making couple 100 dollars when you first sign up, when you first sign up, work on your gig make sure it’s looking very professional and related to what you are doing, try to do something unique!


    one way to promote yourself on fiverr is actually by paying your family and friends to buy your gig and give you good rating, trust me that would really help you rank a little higher and people can find you faster, another way is delivery time, as soon as you get the gig try and act upon it as quick as possible, that would go a long way in building the clients trust!


   I know some of you might say i don’t have any skill to promote on fiverr like video editing, photography, logo making and all that but trust me you can do anything. can you type? of course you can you can type documents for clients! i’ve done this before, you can even make simple logos using free apps like canva and get paid( my friend does this for free and sometimes get tips), you really can do anything just think of something!

   honestly, i know it’s not easy but you can do it! but to get higher chances you can register on upwork and others but make sure you grind on fiverr! you can do a long way! thank you so much for reading this far!


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3 years ago
