Today I wanna continue talk about the semicon stuff in Singapore.
Picture below is a magnet, a super strong magnet plotted polarity in order, so the magnetic field is very strong, dont get near your phone with it , or else will stick to it and hard to dispatch.
This is called the RMA type magnet.
Two versions of it , one is silver color and newer design is black color.
The use of magnet is attracting the ionized metal , to be bombarded into the product- wafer and do the deposition.
And magnet magnetic field is critical in determining the lifespan of the metal target. We have to take note the lowest point on the target in order not to punch tru and deposit different metal to the products.
And this is another type -RMM type, will be used for another type of target, but this RMM is much more expensive because the magnetic stripe is bented another structure.
wow many info and knowledge in your article, I like it very much , keep it up pals! Open up my eye on the semicon sector :))