Start of week is monday blue. All issues are not easy issue.
4 lots at bomba dirty. Hardened resist like previous lots. All with 4.4um blue resist. All from bathcing59, as per masking, only tool for blue resist. All lots wash in 2EWB23, tanks slightly dirty. Wafers seen with hardened resist. Lots rewashed in bench and changed chemical. Aft rewash, wafers clean, moved out.
Two lots hold for residue. Inspected the lots but defect look like Ag pitting most on wafer edges. Defect not able to remove aft rewash. Both lots keyed rework route and send rework. Runsheet taken out and stamped NCL already.
Inspected #25 suspect not residue since have defect on open & metal area but majority on metal defect seen around flat area. Defect at the 1st 4 rows from flat area and edges, unable to ink off as >4%. NCL stamped on r/s but in wso havent raise . Need to confirmed w/ qc op lot done 100% scan DF alr,mum lot vacuum sealed 2x
RND lots:
sample etch with both lowest EWMA and current ER if available. Don't move out till excel file completed in RND folder . Advance hold this device before etch boron base due to previously encountered lots having residue. When lots reach, to do 1.5min IPC and calculate etch time based on incoming thickness and current e/r (1.2 oef). Adv-hold msg: "KK913_WOE"