I work as technician in a Singapore semiconductor factory. Here I share my working life as technician.
Today I wanna talk about process related issue in our line. We called it in layman term peeling. Meaning the metal which supposed to deposit onto the product is not sticked to the wafer but peeling off when it comes out from machine.
First let you to see mild cases:
As you can see sides have got minor peeling.
This is more serious. top side is peeling off very much.
As the process is deposit a layer of precious metal. The peeling piece also need to be collected back for claiming purposes.
normally the peeling will be happening in whole batch especially after target change PM , all the seasoning wafers will be peeling some severe, some less.
This peeling is mostly due to the stress applies during the deposition. Uneven pressure or stress could react and interfere the deposition rate onto the products.
This scenario we hope to avoid , as not only need to settle the machine problem, but also the precious metal debris collection - super tedious with many paperwork to followup as each piece could cause few hundred to thousand for reclaim...
How nice if can take some peel back 😉 haha