-HV standby error/HV range error during 4 layers process.
-Error during Cr initial ramping power, wafers in chamber.
-Checked HV triode tube glowing.
-Checked plug-in PCB U2, U3 and U5 power supply board.
-contact cleaned U2 and U3 PCB.
-Measured +-15Vdc and 24Vdc from ext PS ok.
-Tested HV standby ok but HV range error persisted
-Coil current ok. reset EEC300 controller -ve.
-Disconnected HV from red box to isolate chamber -ve. To continue.
-PO said wafer cannot wait more than 24hours.
-so vent chamber and take out wafer(NCL)
-Dayshift no MS support,kindly to continue.
-After vented chamber, checked/measured Egun shorted to gnd.
-Found flake from chamber shields shorted Egun, cleaned up and tested -ve.
-Probably flake shorted Egun after vented chamber.
-Removed U4 grid ctrl board, power transistor IXTM10N100 and measured no
-Measured U4 board, TP2=8.4V, TP3=86V, TP4=95V at HV off state ok.
-Measured grid voltage -583V at U13 ok.
-checked soldering points on board and installed back, tested HV 10KV ok.
-Tested HV on/off few times, encountered HV range error intermittently. to
Status : Maint