I work as technician in a Singapore semiconductor factory. Here I share my working life as technician.
Continue the topic on ADAM controller, as you can see from the photo below, it can be connected to many different function sensors. Just need to take note the exact channel will do.
After physically connected to the ADAM, you need to go ADAM @net software to do the configuration of channels.
For different small card, also of different function, 5017 can take voltage and current. 5018 to take temperature.
For 5018, temperature can measure up to 1370C , but maybe your TC could spoilt before it take its reading..
Then take note the Modbus , to configure the connection to server.
While 5017 card, you can set whatever range your sensor working, eg 4-20mA for water flow sensor, +-10V for temperature. 0-10V for pressure transducer reading.
Haha too cim and complicated to me. Hope it useful to those same field as you.