5S in the manufacturing line

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3 years ago
Topics: Workplace, 5S, Life

If you in manufacturing line, you would have heard of 5S practice.

Basically 5S stands for


Set in Order,



& Sustain.

The idea originate from Japan. And the original 5S refers to

seiri (整理), seiton (整頓), seisō (清掃), seiketsu (清潔), and shitsuke (躾).

But too hard for non-japanese to remember seiton etc, so there comes the English version.

My line not escaped from this 5S practice but strictly follow, so when you are the technician or engineer assigned to certain area, and your area being inspected by this group of 5S people, then you better hope their eye blind a bit and not to highlight you much.

They will come out with the whole list that they think not fulfilling 5S and ask you to clear by short period of time like below list

Then they will force to have some 5S checking list after machine intervention. Ask technicians to adhere strictly . But never aware that 5 min is not enough to cover all things in the checklist, it would cost at least 20min to clear everything.

Do you have similar practice in your company? can just share with me the info in comment column below.

$ 1.86
$ 1.86 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for technician
3 years ago
Topics: Workplace, 5S, Life
