Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, brings his energy saving project Efforce on the blockchain

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3 years ago

Carbon footprint one of the biggest challenges as per the Governments of various countries which is being faced by many developed and developing countries has led to recent European Green Deal which talks about committing to be climate-neutral by 2050. In order to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. 

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), more than $250 billion in financing* has been invested in energy harvesting techniques and this amount is expected to increase at 2x the rate by 2025 if the Green Deal needs to be committed successfully.

As per the Efforce white paper** they have mentioned that

"""More than 68% of the energy used in the world is NOT covered by an efficient energy standard and the system within which it is used could be made more efficient"""

Just to give a small comparison on they also give a reference as given below---

""" Consider that from 2000 till today , the world would have consumed 12% more energy without energy efficiency. A figure that equates to turning off Europe for a year. """

Isn't it mind blowing figure to trust upon ? what's your take..

They are saying in there white paper that

""" EFFORCE is a first blockchain-based energy saving trading platform in the world"""".

The platform brings together those who want to improve the energy efficiency of their buildings or industrial processes with a pool of contributors interested in being repaid in tokens representing the energy savings achieved thanks to efficiency improvement projects.

On the Innovation side Efforce securitizes energy saving what it means that Efforce token can be used to eliminate your electricity bills for Consumers, for Industries they save on there energy bills by installing efficient energy systems and Contributors save on the future savings on the projects done by Efforce. On the financial side they have also mentioned in there white paper that

"""at least 1% of all energy savings obtained are donated and redistributed among all EFFORCE token holders forever"""

Two of the projects that they have mentioned in there whitepaper which are already undergoing are 

1). Energy efficiency project on a dual 8.55MW industrial tri-generation plant located in Italy, with a total cost of 6,500,000 euros, with an annual IRR***(internal rate of return) of 20% for 7 years expected to be completed in 2027.

2). Energy redevelopment project for a hotel complex costing 1,350,000 euros located on the French Riviera (France), with an annual IRR of 15% for 5 years expected to be completed in 2025.

Seems like an interesting project to invest your time and read more about also keep an eye on it for the new updates.

On the sideline what is your take on EU Green-Deal, do you think EU and other countries can achieve the target of zero emission by using such innovative Blockchain technologies.

Or Net-zero emissions by 2050 is just some hoax that is fundamentally created by governments to push green technologies?

Or you think there is another conspiracy theory going on 🤔

Please share your thoughts in the comment box 🙏

What so ever may be the future of Efforce but I would like to congratulate to EFFORCE & Steve Woz on joining the energy revolution and on deploying crypto & the blockchain to finance energy efficiency projects! Because of both of these guys "Steve Jobs 🙏R.I.P🙏 and Steve Woz" that I get to use my favorite MacBook to write and post my blog on 


* WP_ENG_V1.pdf ( - White paper Efforce

** - EU 2050 strategy

*** -IRR

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3 years ago
