is depression is a disability?

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3 years ago

depression is a common mental disorder . it is a common mental health problem that involves a low mood and a loss of interest in activities. globally more than 264 million people of all ages suffer from depression. most people go through periods of feeling down but if you are depressed it will last for few days, weeks, months, or year.there are many level of depression every one who are depressed is not at same level . and there causes might be different .

one of those reasons are someone who is very close to you if he/she put you down
break your trust. it's not your fault if you have been cheated . you trusted then cz you were loyal and you bilived them so much
we can say that depression is not a disability it's a mental stage of people they r not disable to anything
but for their mental stage they have loss their interest in their regular life
so we should not mock those if we realise that someone is depressed we should help them to get back in their regular life . we should never make a fun of them and underestimed them .
it's not a disability........

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It's a disease, all right. One that also has physical proof as all mental illnesses are. If people were more open to getting their brains scanned it would be more believable tbh

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3 years ago

Depression is a disease. A severe depression is a severe illness that can lead to death.

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3 years ago

i think we can't define it as disease according to my thinking and yeah you r right it can lead to death as suicide

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3 years ago