Love is an emotion

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Someone will love you so much! Sometimes you will rush to see a blink of an eye. You will witness everything that will make you think, this man is your world, your love, your present and your future! The moments spent with him will promise you that he will never let go of your hand! Your danger will always be by your side; Will take care of you.... But suddenly this love will not be for you. Everything will change in a moment! He who has been loved more than his own life for so long will take another form! Reality, family, the future or the well-being of the couple will make you cry with some excuse!.... Don't look back once you go. You will shed tears and beg for love for the man you left behind, but he will not look back! But this cruel man once woke up at night for you, it would be hard not to talk to you! If you think of cutting your hands or ending yourself, I would say you are wrong!....Emotional blackmail is never found on one's own. The one who stays will stay the same; Whoever leaves will leave. Your emotional blackmail can extend the duration of the relationship for a while but not as normal as before!....Remember one thing, I know why nature can not accept all the beauty! So never get bogged down in strangely beautiful things like love. Time will tell you what to do!

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You are right dear

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4 years ago

yes my dear I know I am right... you are also right because you say that I am right... 😁😁😁😁 just joking... don't mind my dear...

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3 years ago

Love is really a beautiful feeling.i think love is everything people who love each other they can understand what is love

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4 years ago

love is a pure think . love can change your life. I never fall in love but i saw many people sacrifice many think's for there love. As a pure love we have to do it for our future goodness.

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4 years ago

Always i hate love

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4 years ago