Hazrat Adam's dignity and superiority

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Ashraful Makhlukbat 'or Allah created Adam and Banu Adam as the best creation. He said in this regard, ولقد كرمنا بني آدم وحملناهم في البر والبحر ورزقناهم من الطيبات وفضلناهم على كثير ممن خلقنا تفضيلا- (الإسراء 70) - 'We have honored Bani Adam high, they have to carry on the ground and water, the material on them is definitely We have provided them with food and given them high status over many of our creations' (Isra 16/60). Here, first of all, the use of the word كَرَّم মানুষকেنَا speaks of giving people exclusive respect for something that has not been given to any other creation. Such as knowledge-conscience, thinking power, the difference between good-evil and right-wrong, the ability to exercise free will, etc. Then by using the word فَضَّلْنَا it is said to give people a higher status than others. Such as improved living conditions for human beings, house building methods, improved taste in food intake, clothing, etc., legal and socialized living, etc., are different from other animals and are full of variety. It is constantly changing, expanding, evolving and developing. However, the nesting of babui birds or the habitat of tigers and jackals in the forest has remained unchanged for millions of years. It has not changed in the past, nor is it likely to change in the future. People are moving and doing business in better transport to improve water-land-space. They are eating the best food in the world, eating delicious food and drinking the best drinks through advanced cooking, which is not possible for other animals at all. One of the best things about human dignity is to give him the power to speak, which is not given to any other creation. He has been endowed with a variety of languages ​​and colors, given the ability to write, and the ability to compose sentences and compose poems rich in advanced literary knowledge and rhetoric, which has not been given to any other creation.

One of the issues of human dignity is that all the visible and invisible creations of the world have been made subservient to man (Lokman 31/20). As if the main goal of all God's creations is man. Everything is for the people. The rays of the sun, the light of the moon, the flickering light of the planets and stars, the gentle flow of the wind, the life-giving power of the water, the fertile power of the soil, the combustible power of the fire, the multidimensional welfare of electricity, the field of green grain, the fruit of the tree, the fruit of the garden. Ponds-rivers-seas filled with various species of fish and gems-pearls, gold-silver and mineral resources stored underground and oil-gas ores, barns and jungles full of animals and birds for whom? Answer in one word: all this is only for people. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “He is the One Who created everything in the earth for you” (Baqarah 2/29). The question is: when everything is for the people, then for whom are the people? The answer is the same: ‘We are for Allah, and to Him we will return’ (Baqarah 2/156). ‘We have come to worship Him, to serve Him in all respects (Jariyat 51/56) and to administer His caliphate in the world’ (Baqarah 2/30). Everything in the world is engaged in the worship of Allah. Everything is governed for a certain period of time (Lokman 31/29) under certain rules (Fatir 35/43). All are obedient to Allah, prostrating themselves before Him and praising Him alone. This specific rule of governing the world is 'Deen' and pure devotion and surrender to this Deen is called 'Islam'. That is why it has been said that دِنَّ الدِّينَ عِندَ اللّهِ الإِسْلاَمُ ‘In the sight of Allah,‘ Deen ’is only‘ Islam ’(Ale Imran 3/19). Islam has two aspects, natural and human. The first pervades all world nature. Where everything is run directly by Allah in the natural order. There is no exception to the rule (except by special command of Allah) (Yusuf 12/40; Ahzab 33/72; Isra 16/7).

The second is the practical principles and rules of human life which Allah has sent through the Prophets in the ages. This is called Islamic Sharia. Which began with Adam (peace be upon him) and ended with the last Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and attained perfection (Maidah 5/3). It should be noted that in the lexical sense, the religion of all the previous prophets can be called Islam, but technically only the last and complete religion sent to the last prophet is called 'Islam'. He said, فأقم وجهك للدين حنيفا فطرة الله التي فطر الناس عليها لا تبديل لخلق الله ذلك الدين القيم ولكن أكثر الناس لا يعلمون- (الروم 30) - 'You make your face upright for religion. This is the fitrah of Allah upon which He has created man. There is no change in God's creation. That is the simple religion. But most people don’t know that ’(Room 30/30).

In the above verse, Allah tells man to focus on the unchangeable religion, which is the religion which is naturally established in the world. That religion is reflected in the human body and in the flow of life. Due to the adherence to that religion, the embryo is created in the mother's womb from the microscopic sperm of the father. Then, at the appointed time, he landed in the world in the form of a beautiful human child. Then after childhood, adolescence, youth and old age he reached old age and at one point he died. There is no change in this birth-death law of the body. In this case, all creatures, including human beings, are willingly and unwillingly obedient and submissive to the inviolable provisions of Allah (Muslim) (Ale Imran 3/63; Ra'd 13/15). This is the natural aspect of Islam, which every human being is obliged to accept. The human body is therefore subject to natural laws. But he is independent in terms of knowledge. He can apply his knowledge freely. The connection of man's spiritual aspect with the superiority of his outward appearance is a remarkable thing. But there is no difference between the outer and inner side of the other creations of the universe. The moon and the sun are all light, all the animals are full of bestiality. But there is no similarity between the outer side of man and the inner side. Rather, it is more complex and incomprehensible. It is a different world in the physical form of man. What cannot be seen, can only be perceived. Just as man is a biological entity rich in conspiracy, so he is a conscientious moral and spiritual entity. The healing properties of the essential oils, have long been known in ancient times. He often destroys his physical world by becoming a servant of Satan in his mind. Basically, the ideas and beliefs cherished in the mind are reflected in the human world. Therefore, the Merciful Allah has sent divine guidance through the prophets from time to time to guide the life of His beloved creation in the right way. Like the natural religion, this religion is unchangeable and everlasting. And that is the external human aspect of Islam. The religion that was sent through the prophets for the purpose of managing that human aspect has been given to the people with the independent authority to accept and observe it (Kahf 18/29; Dahr 6/4).

By following this religion or Shari'ah in full, people will get peace in this world and will be blessed with Paradise in the Hereafter. And if he disobeys it, he will suffer unrest in this world and will be burnt in the fire of Hell in the Hereafter (Baqarah 2 / 36-39; Tagabun 74 / 9-10). Needless to say, this free will is the main reason why man is the 'best of creation'. This is his test and this is his paradise or hell. The greatest aspect of human superiority is to establish the caliphate of Allah in this world. Because he has been sent to the world as the 'Caliph of Allah'. [28] This responsibility of the caliphate will be fulfilled in the life of the individual as well as in the social and state life. Everywhere he will prove himself as an obedient servant of Allah. No one dared to take up this guru's responsibility, heaven-earth, mountain-mountain. People voluntarily took up this responsibility (Ahzab 33/72). But after coming to this world, people have become fascinated by its glamor and have forgotten about fulfilling the responsibility of the caliphate of Allah. Some are showing laziness in it, some are denying it. Yet, until the Day of Resurrection, there will be a group of people who will fulfill this duty forever. [29] Allah says, وَمِمَّنْ خَلَقْنَا مُمَّةٌ يَهْدُونَ بِالْحَقِّ وَبِهِ يَعْدِلُونَ- (A'raf 7/161). Then he said, سَنَفْرُغُ لَكُمْ أَيُّهَا الثَّقَلاَنِ ‘O jinn and man! We will pay attention to you very soon '(Rahman 55/31). In other words, at a particular moment, this trend of taking your exams in the world will suddenly stop and you will be resurrected and brought together on the Day of Judgment. On that day, none of you will be spared from my fine judgment.

God created the jinn from fire. They also had independent jurisdiction. But they disobeyed. Many deny that they can see the jinn with the naked eye. But there are many things that people cannot see outwardly. That is why their existence cannot be denied. Such as electricity, air flow, taste and smell of objects etc. The prophet of man is the prophet of jinn. Among them are believers, infidels and transgressors. They understand the language of the people in the area where the jinn live. On their way back from Tawaif in the tenth year of the Prophethood, the jinn in the valley of Nakhla heard Surah Ar-Rahman in the voice of the Prophet, and every time Allah said, فَبِأَىِّ آلاَءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ, they replied, Understands and realizes. The Book of Allah is for all jinn and humans. Therefore their fate and the fate of man is the same. In fact, Adam and the children of Adam are God's most beloved and best creation. Until his death, he must remain in the laboratory of this world as a vigilant and active examinee. His resurrection will begin after death. There will be no more opportunities for good and evil deeds. Therefore, it is the duty of an intelligent person to leave the world by maintaining the dignity of the best creation of Allah by leading a virtuous life in obedience to the provisions of the revelation sent by Allah. Remember, ‘We are all for Allah and we will all return to Him’ (Baqarah 2/156). ‘Our salat, our sacrifice, our life, our death are all only for Allah, the Lord of the worlds’ (An-Nam 6/173). Banu Adam, who was thrown out of Paradise so that we can go back to Paradise, may Allah, the Merciful, grant us that Tawfiq - Amen !!

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Nice article....I have subscribed u....subscribe me also please

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4 years ago

The glory of the Prophet Adam cannot be finished by speaking or writing,, Ashraful Makhlukat Allah created through Hazrat Adam,

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4 years ago

thanks for your nice comment

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4 years ago