Chapter 8 - Interacting With Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains.

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3 years ago

Interacting with blockchains and cryptocurrencies today is easier than ever. You will not need ‘supercomputers’ as may have once been the case. These days you can access these luxury tools within the comforts of your phones and in many cases via a browser.

In the earlier past, the process of accessing a blockchain and subsequently its native cryptocurrency was rigorous. One may have needed to download the entire blockchain onto a PC that is connected to the internet, to use a block’s interface.

A basic blockchain interface typically consisted of ‘a wallet’. 

For instance, ‘Bitcoin’, among the first blockchains, was built to cater to the sector of ‘financial services’. As such, it stores financial transactions associated with its native cryptocurrency ‘BTC’, and offers the feature of a wallet.

Today, there are blockchains specifically built to cater to ‘a variety of sectors’, meaning that many blockchains today can compute and store other forms of data besides ‘financial transactions’. 

Consequently, there are many fully-optimized ‘DAPPs’ (i.e ‘decentralized applications) to access blockchains from and interact with a wide range of cryptocurrencies. For instance, a DAPP called ‘Trust Wallet’, a phone application, can connect you to hundreds of ‘cryptocurrencies’. 

‘DAPPs’ are becoming as optimized and as familiar as ‘conventional applications’ such as ‘Facebook’ but they are becoming more sophisticated too, typically powered by a reward-mechanism and being ‘decentralized’ in nature, meaning that anyone can interact with a DAPP without sharing ownership of their private data with third-parties.

Many DAPPs and cryptocurrency-related technologies are ‘open-source’ too, meaning that you can audit their respective ‘code’ or replicate these ‘code’ to have your own personalized interface to the blockchain.

The entire process involved in interacting within the ‘cryptocurrency world’ is becoming ever simple.

Even where you prefer to interact with a blockchain more remotely by running a node that hosts a copy of the blockchain and its software, the process is becoming more optimized and simple. For instance, you can set up a Hive, Steem or Blurt node in some 10 minutes and with minimal technical know-how.

Now that it is established that anyone can interact with blockchain and cryptocurrency using optimized interfaces that they are familiar with, what is left is optimizing our interaction with these interfaces. To simplify the path further, we would like to establish the easiest entry-point into the world of cryptocurrency.

As most blockchains have a native cryptocurrency, a typical route to take in interacting with a blockchain or blockchains is by interacting with their respective cryptocurrencies. 

In chapter 3, we had mentioned that ‘a cryptocurrency typically inherits the traits of its parent blockchain’.

Visiting ‘’, you will find a list containing some ‘5000 cryptocurrencies’ ranked according to their financial value.

These aren’t just ‘financial assets’. Behind these cryptocurrencies is an ‘underlying blockchain technology’ and cryptocurrencies generally have other utilities than ‘financial service’ to enable them perform their role within their respective ecosystem and the unique industry that they were built to cater to.

Again, one way of interacting with blockchain is via its cryptocurrency, some of which you can earn for free or purchase. It is not far-fetched thus, that certain blockchain projects may give you their cryptocurrency for free, to incentivize you to learn about and interact with their projects. For instance, a project called ‘coinbase’, has given away millions of dollars worth of ‘cryptocurrencies’ to its users, who participate in learning about cryptocurrency and blockchain. 

Ofcourse, in your attempt to interact or transact in cryptocurrency, you will need a ‘wallet’, which generally takes the form of a basic DAPP or user-interface. Your cryptocurrency wallet can be a ‘personal wallet’ which gives you full-control of your interaction or ‘shared wallet’, usually hosted by a cryptocurrency exchange that you can access.

Today, wallets are light-weight and you can access a variety of cryptocurrency wallets via your phone, by installing an app. A simple multi-cryptocurrency wallet that you can use as your personal wallet is ‘Trustwallet’, which you can download on ‘ ‘

Alternatively, you can sign up to a cryptocurrency exchange such as ‘Binance’, which allows you to interact and transact with hundreds of cryptocurrency via financial trades. You can get a Binance account on ‘’.

Taking the place of ‘Binance’ in the Philippines, if you are located there is a popular remittance application called ‘CoinsPh’, which you can get on ‘

Let us not digress: 

What is the easiest entry-point to starting your interaction with ‘cryptocurrency and blockchain technology’?

After having used a variety of ‘blockchain technologies’, I have established that ‘application-specific blockchain(s)’, specifically those built to host ‘social-media/content-based applications’ constitute the “easiest entry-points”, when it comes to interacting with ‘blockchain technology & cryptocurrency’. The oldest example of an application-specific blockchain, specifically built to host ‘social media applications’ is the ‘Steem blockchain’.

Having said this, one way to start your journey into ‘the world of blockchain & cryptocurrency’ is by signing up for a ‘Steem account’ on ‘ /

Note that the Steem blockchain has a variety of ‘social-media apps’ built on it, ‘’ being one. 

However, having signed-up for a Steem account successfully, with this ‘one Steem account’, you will be able to log-in and interact with any other application that exists on the Steem blockchain. 

You can find a list of niche-based social-media applications already built on the Steem blockchain ‘

As we proceed, I would like you to take note of the term “social-media” as this unique attribute of the Steem blockchain is the reason why I have established the Steem blockchain (and similar blockchain such as ‘Hive, Blurt, Whaleshares etc’) as the easiest entry-point into the world of blockchain technology & cryptocurrency”.

Now, also note that while it is possible to build other genre of applications on the Steem blockchain besides the “social media” type (e.g ‘financial services’ applications like those related to ‘finance, commerce, gaming etc’), these applications usually maintain a “social” paradigm, due to the social nature of the Steem blockchain. 

Yes, this very unique “social” property of the Steem blockchain makes any steem-based application an ‘easy entry-point to the world of blockchain technology and digital currency’. How so?

Imagine for instance, that you wanted to learn more about ‘VISA’ (a finance-based enterprise) and its inner-workings e.g how VISA processes transactions, its fees, third-parties, secrets etc. 

For the most part, you have used ‘VISA cards’ mostly to pay for services, based on the assumption that other utilities of the VISA card and VISA in general are too complex to interact with.

Now, let’s also assume that ‘VISA’ wants you to learn more about them to improve user-experience but they are short-staffed and incapable of maintaining an educational infrastructure that caters to millions of Visa users. 

What happens if they decide to set up an entire ‘social media’ platform themed ‘VISA’? 

Imagine how many more things you quickly learn about ‘VISA’ even passively, just by signing up to use this social media platform, where most of the users are ‘visa card holders’ and most of the interactions are related to ‘VISA’. 

Imagine how many disputes will be solved right on this platform without the need for ‘customer support’, especially if ‘VISA’ decides to reward interactions on this platform with ‘money, discounts, freebies etc’. 

Now, imagine how much more organic attention to ‘VISA’ this particular ‘social media’ platform will stir, especially where content emanating from this platform is let to ‘serve the search-engines’. 

To conclude, imagine how much more attached people will become to their ‘visa cards’ by virtue of this ‘VISA social media platform’ in comparison to once when their ‘visa card’ was mostly ‘another financial card’, like ‘mastercard or american express’. 

The ‘VISA’ scenario above highlights exactly ‘social blockchains like ‘Steem’ constitutes in the entire world of blockchain & digital currency’. 

Even though the Steem blockchain was the first blockchain, built  to host ‘social media applications’, there are other blockchain in existence that similar to ‘Steem’ e.g the ‘Hive’ blockchain, which is a fork of Steem. 

As such, another ‘easy entry-point to the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology’ is ‘Hive’. 

Do you have a Hive account yet? Visit ‘’ and get an account on there too!

The Hive blockchain is similar in its dynamics to the Steem blockchain, since it is a fork of the Steem blockchain and owning ‘one Hive account’ enables you to access and interact with any of the ‘social media’ applications that are hosted on the Hive blockchain, a list of which you will find on ‘’.

Speaking of other ‘blockchain technologies’ such as ‘Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tron, Litecoin’, those that aren’t built specifically for “social media”; while these blockchains constitute ‘entry-points to the world of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency’, are they “easy entry-points”?

Let’s discuss this a bit…

Till date, you will have noticed that people know of ‘Bitcoin’ as a ‘financial asset’. 

Now, there is another bulk of people who decide to interact with ‘Bitcoin’ deeper, only to realize that ‘Bitcoin’ has an ‘underlying blockchain’ which stores ‘BTC’ transactions. Then, they proceed to finding out that ‘bitcoin’ can be used at thousands of online-stores including ‘PayPal’, to pay for ‘goods and services’. 

A few others have gone a step further, exploring other use-cases for ‘Bitcoin’, besides its use in the sector of ‘financial services’. For instance, they may have attempted to create ‘social media platforms’ that rewards users in ‘BTC’, attaining limited success as the Bitcoin blockchain isn’t built for ‘social media’ e.g attempting to reward ‘content’ in ‘BTC’, they find it ‘too expensive’ because of the existence of Bitcoin’s transaction-fees/slow-speed.

Now, there are another few (mostly ‘geeks’), who have large capital and who take the route of interacting with Bitcoin, by running a Bitcoin miner, only to find out that it isn’t viable because he needs expensive computing infrastructures.

As a result of all the aforementioned barriers, ‘Bitcoin’ is a ‘complex entry-point into the world of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency’. 

Most participants in the Bitcoin ecosystem thus, mostly look to trade ‘BTC’ or spend it; while only a few get to really know about its blockchain. 

Without an ‘easy entry-point’, Bitcoin becomes known mostly as being ‘for traders and geeks’. 

‘Ethereum (ETH)’ is another popular cryptocurrency with an underlying blockchain. The Ethereum blockchain introduces an especial feature called ‘smart contracts’ enabling programmers to build a variety of applications on it. This blockchain also enables people to create their own cryptocurrencies i.e ‘Ethereum-based tokens’.

Now, it is true that the Ethereum blockchain already has many applications built on it but the Ethereum blockchain isn’t specifically built for ‘social media applications’. Like Bitcoin, its transactions also have fees and neither are these transactions instant. 

To gain insight into genre of applications built on the Ethereum blockchain , visit ‘

It is quite obvious from the URL above that the area of focus when it comes to ‘applications’ built on the Ethereum blockchain is not ‘social media’. The top apps range from ‘gambling >  games > financial services’. 

While these types of applications also constitute ‘entry-points’ into the world of blockchain technology and digital currency, these aren’t very “easy entry-points”. 

For instance, even if you were a gamer, how much would you learn about ‘the blockchain industry at large’ from playing or interacting with an ‘Ethereum-based game’? Can you even learn much about any other thing in the course of playing a game?

Now there is ‘Tron’, another popular blockchain. Like Ethereum, its blockchain offers ‘smart contract’ capabilities while focusing on scalability in terms of ‘easy account-creation, high transaction-frequency etc’. 

Ofcourse, focusing on these areas removes ‘barriers to entry’ from the ‘world of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency’ but only to an extent.

Note: Tron also allows users to create their own ‘Tron-based cryptocurrency’ but these “entry-points” are quite complex to navigate without a ‘social paradigm’; a paradigm that takes cognizance of the regular ‘social user’.

To see some of the top applications built on the Tron blockchain, kindly visit ‘

Seeing that most of the top applications on the Tron blockchain are in the industry of ‘gambling’, which is mostly premised around ‘ROI’; how much would you learn about ‘the world of blockchain technology & cryptocurrency’, when you are at the losing end (assuming ‘50% of gamblers’ lose)? How many people gamble in a bid to learn about ‘blockchain technology’? 

As a result, TRON becomes known mostly for its cryptocurrency, ‘TRX’ and its price and this shows as it is a top-ranking cryptocurrency on ‘’, a site that ranks cryptocurrencies according to their market value.

Then, let us take a quick look at ‘EOS’, another very powerful blockchain that has many applications already built on it. 

EOS has very fast transaction-speed and zero transaction-fees. It also offers users the capability of creating their own ‘EOS-based cryptocurrencies’, indicating that it has ‘smart contract’ capabilities.

However, unlike Hive or Steem, it wasn’t built specifically for ‘social media applications’. Thus, it doesn’t do enough to cater to the regular ‘social user’, catering larger bodies like ‘enterprises’ (having large capital). 

This is evident in the expensive ‘RAM, Network and CPU requirements’ to interact with its blockchain network, which may hamper the ‘social experience’ for a regular user.

Further evidence of this ‘

Once again, most of the top applications built on the EOS blockchain range from ‘gaming > gambling > financial services’. 

Now, there is one social application called ‘Everipedia’on the list of top EOS applications.Ofcourse, if you love contributing to sites like ‘Wikipedia’, Everipedia can constitute an ‘organic entry-point’ to the world of blockchain technology & cryptocurrency’ but it may not be the ‘easiest entry-point’.

Going forward….

Each of the aforementioned ‘blockchain technologies’ are great in their own right. Many of these blockchains have flourishing cryptocurrencies too, judging by their financial ranking on ‘’ but are these platforms the easiest entry-points to the world of digital currency & blockchain technology? 

Well, let’s take a look at the types of applications built on the Hive blockchain by visiting ‘’.

Having visited the aforementioned URL, you can easily find a ‘Hive-based app’ that you can relate with, many of which are ‘social media applications’ possessing recognizable features such as ‘likes, dislikes, DMs, post, comment, communities etc.’

The Hive blockchain is built to recognize and process ‘social transactions’ e.g ‘likes, dislikes, DMs, post, comment, communities etc’, similar to those that you have on traditional social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram etc.

Note that the Hive blockchain processes ‘financial transactions’ but with “social” in mind. 

As such, unlike the Bitcoin blockchain, the Hive blockchain caters to ‘fast transactions, zero transaction-fees, easy-to-use wallets etc’. 

Now, even if you decided to run a ‘Hive node’ (i.e a ‘witness’), assuming that this is your desired entry-point to interacting with the Hive blockchain and its cryptocurrency ‘HIVE’, setting up this node takes some ‘10 minutes’, requires minimal technical know-how and doesn’t require setting up complex ‘physical infrastructure’. Among other things, due to the ‘social nature’ of Hive, the Hive community will look to assist you with the process. 

Yes, even the governance layer of the Hive blockchain is socially-structured, meaning that unlike ‘Bitcoin’ which uses a ‘proof of work’ consensus model to decide the next block-producer, for your Hive witness to ‘produce blocks’, stakeholders of the cryptocurrency ‘HIVE’, will have had to vote for your witness to rank higher than other witnesses.

To set up a Hive witness, you can get a server ‘ and follow the simple instructions to set it up or contact me on ‘’ for assistance. 

Being able to set up a witness on the Hive blockchain, you will be capable of running ‘nodes’ on other blockchains too, particularly ‘social blockchains’ similar to Hive, like such as ‘’, ‘’, ‘’ etc.

I currently have a node running on the Blurt blockchain network. I could set it up easily based on my experience with having run a node on both the ‘Hive and Steem’ networks, in the past. The ranking of my node (called ‘surpassinggoogle’) among other nodes of the Blurt blockchain network can be seen on ‘

You may recall, that we had mentioned in ‘chapter 7’ that the general logic behind how cryptocurrencies and blockchain work are similar.  

Now, while the Hive blockchain is ‘stake-based’, meaning that ‘the more staked-HIVE you have the more your vote weighs around the Hive ecosystem’; being that the Hive blockchain was built with ‘social’ in mind, the Hive ecosystem also has a very unique layer called ‘proof of brain’ that has kept the Hive ecosystem ‘social’ till date. This layer has a daily reward-pool allocation that users who have stake can distribute via ‘likes or dislikes’, to reward ‘content-creators’ and ‘content-curators’ in ‘HIVE’. 

By using ‘’ or any of the Hive-based applications listed on ‘’, which you can access with ‘one Hive account’, you can begin participating in the process of earning/distributing the cryptocurrency called ‘HIVE’. 

For instance, whenever someone likes a post that you created, they distribute some HIVE your way, while also receiving a portion of HIVE in the form of ‘curation rewards’, for liking your content before others did.

What is the easiest avenue to interact with cryptocurrency and blockchain technology? 

The simple basic answer is ‘’. 

In the same vein, you can sign up for blockchain accounts on ‘, and as well, all ‘social blockchains’.

Signing up on any of the aforementioned platforms starts your journey into ‘the world of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency’ and instantly simplifies it. 

If you need help with creating a blockchain account on any of the platforms highlighted in this book, you can contact me via ‘’.

When you sign up for a blockchain account, irrespective of type of blockchain, it is very important to’back-up your passwords’ and as only you should have access to your passwords, considering that ‘blockchain accounts’ generally constitutes of a wallet that you can hold your cryptocurrency in and your password represents the key to your ‘cryptocurrency wallet’.

Assuming you now have your account setup on ‘’, being that it is a ‘social’ blockchain, notice that you are able to select an ‘easy-to-recall username’?

Unlike ‘financial’ blockchains like ‘Bitcoin, Ethereum or Litecoin’ that provides it users ‘wallet-addresses’ that look like ‘3AZ9KiLSG4jwdcfAWW9K5pQ8ew86JXNAqt’, a ‘Hive wallet-address’ is a memorable and shareable one, that looks like ‘@surpassinggoogle

Your ‘Hive wallets’ are yours, meaning that as long as you have your password saved and accessible only to you, whatever ‘HIVE’ you receive in your wallet, is only accessible to you. 

Now, in case you want me to send me ‘10,000,000 HIVE’, you can complete the transfer in the next ‘3-seconds’ and it will cost you ‘zero’ fee. 

In comparison, a transaction in BTC or ETH isn’t free. Catering to a ‘financial sector, transactions in these cryptocurrencies have fees and are generally slow!

Did you notice that ‘financial transactions’ in the HIVE cryptocurrency are 3-seconds fast? This is because, being a ‘social’ blockchain, Hive tackles a ‘financial transaction’ as it would a ‘social’ one.

As we have mentioned earlier, there are many avenues to interacting with the Hive blockchain and its native currency ‘HIVE’ and you can find one that fits you. Your Hive wallet is just one of many Hive-based applications that you can sign into and use. Each of these ‘Hive-based’ applications interact with the Hive blockchain and consequently, inherits the reward-mechanism of the Hive blockchain, powered by the HIVE cryptocurrency.

So, if you prefer a Hive-based application that is related to the niche of ‘fitness’, visit ‘’ to find one.

One Hive-based DAPP catering to the niche of ‘fitness’ is ‘’, which constitutes a mobile application in IOS and Android. Utilizing this DAPP, you can post or record your ‘fitness’ activities on the Hive blockchain and earn ‘HIVE’ in turn. The DAPP also has its native cryptocurrency called ‘AFIT’, which you can earn too, in conjunction with ‘HIVE’.

How about a Hive-based DAPP similar to ‘Instagram’ whereupon you can earn HIVE, while interacting with the Hive blockchain? You can try ‘’. It is available in IOS and Android too! 

A Hive-based DAPP similar to Twitter? Try ‘’. One similar to ‘Quora’ (a popular question-answer application), try ‘’.

You can access each of the aforementioned ‘Hive-based DAPPs’ with one Hive account, using your Hive login-credentials. On these applications, you can earn and interact with the ‘HIVE’ cryptocurrency and its parent blockchain ‘Hive’.

‘Financial rewards’ being secondary, what other things do gain by interacting with the Hive blockchain and the cryptocurrency ‘HIVE’? 

Well, how about the immutability of your content?

Looking at ‘’ for instance, being a Hive-based DAPP, any content that you publish via ‘’ is documented on the Hive blockchain. The Hive blockchain is immutable in nature, giving your content ‘permanence’.

Being that your content on the Hive blockchain is immutable, that spells ‘uncensorship’. While a ‘YouTube’ can censor your video-content i.e hide it, after deeming it ‘irrelevant’, a ‘Threespeak’ (‘, which is another ‘Hive-based DAPP’ catering to the niche of ‘video-sharing’ wont!

Now, can you get on a traditional ‘social media’ platform like ‘Instagram’ and become an instant ‘viral sensation’, without a tangible number of followers? Hardly! 

Such possibility however, exists on ‘blockchain-based social media platforms’ and in this case ‘Hive-based DAPPS’. For instance, if you visited my Hive profile on ‘’, you will notice that I have some ‘19,000’ followers. 

In contrast, on ‘’, I have 850 subscribers. Alas, many of these ‘850 subscribers’ are from my audience on the Hive blockchain.

This is because, among other things, random users of the Hive-based DAPP ‘’ are incentivized to consume and curate your content. 

The Hive blockchain has a portion of its daily reward-pool containing ‘HIVE’ allocated to rewarding ‘content-curators’. Courtesy of its unique reward-distribution model called ‘proof of brain’, stake-holders of the HIVE currency can earn ‘curation rewards’ for their efforts curating ‘content’ that is considered ‘quality’.

Note thus, that you can earn ‘HIVE’ on most Hive-based applications for simply ‘liking content’. 

There is more…

Due to the public nature of the Hive blockchain and the aforementioned ‘proof of brain’ reward-distribution model, ‘Hive-based applications’ easily become very ‘content-filled’. The result? An incessant revelation of information that organically intimates you about ‘blockchain technology and cryptocurrency’. 

‘Content’ on these Hive-based DAPP gains ‘visibility’, based on the decentralized decision of its community, in contrast to traditional ‘content-driven’ platforms like ‘Facebook, Instagram, Google’ which determines ‘relevance and consequent visibility of content’ on the basis of superficial parameters like ‘popularity, IP-location, AI-analytics’. Very indicative of the fact that ‘Hive-based DAPPs’ constitute a tangible source of ‘valuable information’. 

Did you know that ‘valuable information’ that may have once been hoarded by people on traditional ‘content-driven’ platforms become revealed on ‘Hive-based applications’ because of the ‘incentive’ to ‘proof their brain’ existent by virtue of the Hive blockchain?

I had earned ‘cryptocurrencies’ for free, several times, on the basis of information I have found exclusively from my interaction on blockchain-based DAPPs, like those found on the Hive blockchain.

Indeed, a public ledger possessing a ‘proof of brain’ reward-distribution model, powered by ‘cryptocurrency’, constitutes an incessant source of revelation.

Let’s go a step further…

How about the search engines? Did you know that myriads of business are battling to rank on the first page of ‘’? Aren’t there certain industries ‘e.g insurance companies or law firms’ willing to pay as high as ‘50$ per click’ in a bid to dominate the first page of google? 

Well, did you know that ‘content’ published on Hive-based DAPPs e.g ‘’ dominates the search-engines? 

This is another value derivable from utilizing blockchain-based ‘social media’ platforms.

Unlike traditional ‘social media’ platforms like ‘Facebook or Instagram’ that targets an ‘internal audience’, content from ‘Hive-based applications’ are served to the search-engines, performing well on these outlets in terms of ranking because of the decentralized manner in which the Hive blockchain stores data and because of the ‘relevance’ given to ‘Hive-based URLs’ by the global web. 

How about ‘communities’, a salient element of ‘content-driven applications’? What type of community will you find on ‘Hive-based applications’? 

A community of ‘reputable great minds’. How so?

Once again, this can be attributed to the public nature of the Hive blockchain and its ‘proof of brain’ reward-distribution model. These two properties of the Hive blockchain combined incentivizes users of Hive-based DAPPs to aspire ‘reputability’. 

Unlike traditional ‘Facebook or Instagram’ where you can delete records of ‘your behavior’, such ‘records’ are kept permanent when published to the Hive blockchain. 

Besides, ‘staying reputable’ on Hive where ‘proof of brain’ holds sway, betters your chances of being rewarded in ‘HIVE’.

Why do I keep highlighting that ‘blockchain-based social DAPPs’ constitute the ‘easiest entry-point’ to beginning your interactions with ‘cryptocurrency and blockchain technology’? 

Well, I am a testimony to this establishment. 

I had mentioned that I joined one such DAPP called ‘’ as someone who was neither tech-savvy nor crypto-savvy.

Everything I have written here today, I haven’t read from ‘whitepapers’ either.

My knowledge about the ‘Steem blockchain’ and all the other aforementioned ‘blockchain technologies’ came from my existence various ‘blockchain-based social DAPPs’. 

Recall too, I am a ‘legitimate illiterate’. 

I had found it ‘’ organically via the search-engines. I had found it twice ‘organically’ before I joined it, further attributing to the fact that ‘Steem-based URLs’ like ‘Hive-based URLs’ rank well in the search-engines. 

I had found ‘’ when I was seeking a ‘new internet’, one that wasn’t ‘conventional’. 

Currently, I may know more about the beauty of ‘blockchain technology and cryptocurrency’ than its inventors because I can utilize and interact with these luxury tools in conventional ways yet I have done so in ‘unconventional’ ways and as a ‘legitimate illiterate’.

Since I found ‘Steemit’, I have gone on to do many tech-savvy and crypto-savvy things too. Yes, I have written several ‘colorlesspapers’, I have participated in building my own blockchain-based projects including ‘DAPPS’, I have created my own cryptocurrency, my own ‘reward-distribution’ mechanism, my own tokenomics too. 

I am working on building ‘my very own blockchain’. I intend to create my own internet, its native ‘search-engine’ on ‘’ and my own programming language called ‘Macrohard’. I am working on a current project on ‘'.

I also operated a witness or node on both the ‘Hive and Steem’ networks and based on this experience, I can operate a witness on the Blurt blockchain, which you can find by the username ‘surpassinggoogle’ on ‘

Courtesy of, I have attained clearer insight into the true state of the world. 

Contrary to what’s popular, interacting with the ‘world of cryptocurrency and blockchain’ isn’t at all complex. Even the innovators of these ‘luxury tools’ think that it is ‘complex’, that it requires ‘being a geek’. 

I tell you once again, “simply add some ‘English’ into the ‘Mathematics’ and even ‘complexest Math equations’ suddenly become non-equations.” 

‘x + y = z’ is the same thing as ‘x plus y equals z’.

As for interacting with ‘blockchains and cryptocurrencies’ by ‘mining it’, that is easy too. These days, there are some cryptocurrencies that you can mine from the comfort of your phone. 

For instance, you can ‘mine PI’ by downloading its mobile app and well, clicking on ‘mine PI’. 

On a final note, let us highlight a verse derived from the curriculum of Legitimate Illiteracy; the verse ‘dirt is good; ask the soap master’.

The word “Dirt” in this case has grand context. Among other things, this particular breed of “dirt” is closely related to the giant word ‘dig-dig-dig’, which in turn refers to becoming a ‘diggist’.

Someone who dig-dig-digs is a ‘diggist’. 

To interact with ‘blockchains and cryptocurrencies’ in testimonial ways, you will need to be a ‘diggist’. You may need to equip yourself with some ‘legitimate illiteracy’ too!

You have the person of ‘your boy Terry Ajayi’ to help, whether ‘bulls or bears’, whom you can reach on ‘’ or by visiting the ‘Macrohard hub’ located in Manila, Philippines.

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3 years ago


You are so hard working to make long articles..but sometimes, readers find it hardbto understand the content if it is written this way 😅

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I read your article and I understand that your article is very valuable because there are many things and it is very nice to explain that many people cannot write like this, I will be waiting for the next update.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for your valuable artical.... i love cryptocurrency......your words are valuable

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange wherein individual coin ownership records are stored in a ledger existing in a form of computerized database using strong

$ 0.00
3 years ago

good information about crypto currency

$ 0.00
3 years ago

An impressive article, keep it up

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm read ur 2 chapter of crypto currency 7 and 8 . Im get very informative things from this 2 chapter . But it's to long too reader 😅😅

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow great article i love it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Again, one way of interacting with blockchain is via its cryptocurrency, some of which you can earn for free or purchase. It is not far-fetched thus, that certain blockchain projects may give you their cryptocurrency for free, to incentivize you to learn about and interact with their projects. For instance, a project called ‘coinbase’, has given away millions of dollars worth of ‘cryptocurrencies’ to its users, who participate in learning about cryptocurrency and blockchain.

👆👆👆👆👆👆this article He adorned me great article.😀

$ 0.00
3 years ago

What a very informative article I really appreciate reading this article talking about cryptocurrency I really love the both the Bitcoin and ethereum and the rest if it off impressed

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I love Cripto currency . I love bch and bitcoin . Your article is informative . Too good.

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago