Human Design human types: Manifestors

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One of the first shocks I experienced when I started to meet with Human Design was to learn that the person I tried to kill, whom I thought I was, was a Manifestor operation. The behavior that my mind, which created my false self with all the anger and over-aggressive behavior I had at that time, directed/conditioned me to death, convinced me, belonged entirely to the Manifestos:

Starting something without stopping

Giving too much information (making detailed explanations)

Getting angry because what I said wasn't done

Burning others with my anger

Taking responsibility for everything

Trying to impress people with my looks, my behavior and of course my differences

Trying to prove that I am a very strong and important person

go crazy because my word is not listened to

When I discovered that the behaviors I call “me” like these do not reflect my essence but the essence of being a Manifestor, I think a door opened for me to see myself. It turned out that our aura was really important and we had an energy field that was not the same as another. It turned out that the fictions of the mind mechanism were illusions, The mind was writing, we were playing. Our mind is getting in the way of our energetic field and blinding us to ourselves.


As a Generator, I was pretending to have a field that propels and shuts down, like the Manifestor aura, rather than using my energy field that is waiting for me to open its arms. I mean, imagine if my aura opens its arms to embrace it and I push it from my lap while I'm Manifestoring, or it's like I close my arms… Then I was pontificating; "That's how it happens, that's how it happens!" I was getting angry because I was making tons of explanations and no one was listening. Think about someone who opens their arms for a hug but closes their arms when you approach.


Even though our subject is Manifestor, there is a very important reason why I tell it through my own experiences. First of all, 70% of the society has a Generator aura and 9% has a Manifestor aura. While the majority of Generators act as Manifestors, Manifestors can also act as Generators. Someone opened their arms and said, “Come!” Then he knocks the one down, and the other does forty somersaults so that they come into his closed arms. However, if we understand the Manifestor Manifestor, the Generator Generator, what a beautiful life we ​​will go through, what a valuable experience.

As it can be understood from my own life cross-section, Manifestors are a design that exists to initiate a movement, a process with their closing and pushing auras and their auras that push Generators, that is, those who can produce the energy of creation and sustainability, to take action. The Manifestor will initiate the movement, and the Generator will respond, greet, and continue. It is almost impossible to get into their closed auras, to decode them, to make predictions for them. This is why the Manifestor strategy is to “inform”. Before starting something, it must be able to inform what to start so that others can take action. If he does not inform, others will become suspicious because he is unpredictable, and the Manifestor will burn with anger for not being able to move forward. However, if he informs, he leaves the effect that will mobilize others in peace and tranquility, and he discovers himself in the operation of the effect he left. This shows that the manifest must say what to do before it starts doing it.

Human Design founder RA is a Manifestor and says:


“The moment we step into our role, our role as good Manifestor, we begin to do what we are here to do; That is influencing those around us and influencing them to the extent that our karma, our destiny, whatever you call it, points to us.”


We cannot do anything without influence. Think about it. If you make yourself a sword it will really have an impact on others, because all we do is make an impact. So, if you're not non-self and you're a Manifestor and you falter once in a while, it's not something anyone knows. Everyone knows because we automatically extinguish this effect. And because we have a closed aura and they never get in and they can't understand us, they make up stories. They're trying to get us out of there.


Someone I said 10 years ago, 15 years ago, probably something I forgot 10 minutes after I said it, came up to me today and said to me, "You have no idea how much of an impact what you said that day!" she can say. This has nothing to do with me being Ra Uru Hu. It's about being the Manifestor. When you meet any human being you have to understand something. You have an influence over them. You may not pay any attention to it. You might think you ran into a random person and were on your way. But you leave a strong impression behind you.


This is what our aura does. Since it is a closed aura and the majority of the population is not used to it, there is something about us that sparks their interest. We are pure strike forces. So consider what would happen to the non-self Manifesto. We are designed to be punished when we cannot be ourselves. Guided by their minds, doing this without letting anyone know, the Manifestor is a truly explosive Manifestor. Naturally, they get angry. They are angry with themselves. They get angry at the world around them. Anger is starting to run deep.

The manifesto's strategy is to inform.

A Manifestor who acts by informing experiences both himself and life in peace. The anger and anger of the Manifestors, who act as if they are Generators without information, burns both themselves and life.

Child Manifestors need to initiate something by asking permission, that is, to take action, while adults need to inform what they are standing up to do. Because in order for a Manifestor to perceive his own existence, he must observe those affected by the movement he initiates. The Manifestor, who can see its effect, begins to discover himself. As the Generator, who hears his answers, must discover himself…

What we need to be more enjoyable, more fruitful, more productive, more loving, richer and more productive is this: The generator will not stop making explanations for forty hours, it will only respond, the Manifestor will initiate actions that will find answers by making explanations for forty hours if necessary...

I always say, everything has two sides, so there are two sides of the coin, if you can see one side, you should be able to look at the other side. If you cannot accept one, it is necessary to try to see the other. If your possibilities for one do not allow, it will certainly give a hand for the other. Why am I writing this? Because learning to be a manifestor has two sides. Either you will devote yourself to giving the knowledge of what you are going to do first, that the mind will see it as giving an account and will try to make you forget it very often, or you will look at the other side and attend one of the trainings to live your design. Or you will continue to be angry with yourself, your environment and the world without looking at the coin, and you will miss the opportunities you so desire, such as experiencing peace and tranquility. Choice is always the natural right of the person in the experience.


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