The wonder of fairy tales is when there is a river of boiling water in reality

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3 years ago

It is difficult to find people who have not heard fairy tales from their grandparents as children. Fairy tales cover much of our childhood thinking. Many people want to wake up the beautহুiful sleeping princess with a zion stick from the hand of the monster of the dream kingdom. But have you ever grown up and tried to turn a fairy tale into a reality? Growing up, did you want to know how the pine trees in the story of Meghamalla got so tall so quickly? Or how Ripvan Winkle spent 20 long years in one sleep? Growing up, did you want to give a scientific explanation of the strange stories heard in your childhood? You might say, "Hey, is it anything but madness to go looking for scientific explanations for these fairy tales?"

Dreamy young Andrej Rousseau

You and I, however, dismissed the attempt as insane, but could not blow it up. Andrej Rujo, a dreamy young man who grew up in Lima, made the pursuit of a river of boiling water in his grandfather's mouth the goal of his life. An amazing river brought to the forefront of the earth, whose water temperature averages about 6 degrees Celsius, which is able to boil an animal alive in just a few seconds, where a little foot slipping can be the cause of a terrible painful death.

Fairy tale, the mother of an invention like a fairy tale

The Amazon is a jungle of mysteries. Much of it is still unknown to humans. The location of this boiling water river in the thickest forest in the middle of Peru in the Amazon. Thirteen percent of the total area of ​​the Amazon is located in Peru, which is the most dense, mysterious and terrifying part of the Amazon. The Amazon jungle is by far the most impenetrable place in the world. And naturally there are many fairy tales or incredible stories about this place. And because of the impenetrability of this jungle, it is almost impossible to find out whether those delicious stories are just stories or real ones. Due to the lack of knowledge of the people, many of the common stories about this jungle are often caught in reality.

This is what happened to the river of boiling water discovered by Andrzej Rujo. The fairy tale heard by Andres Rouge was of a lost city. In Mexico and Peru, soldiers of the then Spanish ruler killed the last Inca ruler and set out to find gold in the Amazon jungle. But surviving in an unfamiliar environment on the Amazon is not so straightforward. Somehow after returning with their lives, they told the people about the man-eating snakes of the forest, the poisonous and boiling river of water. This wonder story is very popular in Peru. But no one could have imagined that the wonder river of the story could be real. This is mainly due to the myths of Amazon and its inaccessible environment. And who would have thought that a story like so many conventional fairy tales would come true?

The realization of fairy tales

The story, which he heard as a child, had a profound effect on Andres Rouge's thinking, which led him to think about the river even while studying at university. Andres Rujo, who studied geophysics at Southern Methodist University in Texas in the United States, tried to find out the possibility of the river's existence by contacting various experts during his studies. For almost two years he tried to get the opinion of many experienced people on the subject.

But everyone is disappointed with him, because the presence of volcanoes in the vicinity is necessary if the water of a river is to be so hot, but there were no volcanoes around 400-450 miles in the vicinity of the part of Peru where Rujo claimed the presence of such a river. So naturally everyone blows up this fairy tale river as just a fairy tale. And at that time, finding the river of this fairy tale is very ridiculous in front of everyone. He also gave up hope in this regard.

Determined to turn imagination into reality

He finally decided to do research on this river while doing his PhD. As part of the work of his research team, he created a geothermal map in the United States with the help of Google, where better known underground oil, gas, and water flows than ever before. Since one of his goals was to find mineral resources in Peru, he created a geothermal map for Peru with that river in mind. As can be seen, although there are no volcanoes in the vicinity, temperatures in some parts of the Amazon are mysteriously high at unusual rates, which arouses much interest in Rujo's mind. Because he had no scientific explanation for the sudden abnormal temperature.

Out of sheer curiosity, he came home on vacation and asked his family about the possibility of such a river. His mother and uncle surprised him by telling him that such a river really did exist. Not only that, they claim to have seen the river with their own eyes, which was a big turning point for Rouge's exploration. In view of this, he went out in 2011 with his uncle in search of a strange river. At one point, he found the much-anticipated river. This was an unprecedented event in the history of the world.

Sanai-timpiska and traditional folk-tales

Andres Rujo was the first geologist to find this strange river. But he is the first to find that river - the ancient name of this river will prove that idea wrong. The ancient name of this surprising river is 'Sanai-Timpiska', which means 'boiling in the heat of the sun'. The locals blamed the heat of the sun for the warmth of the river. This means that even though the locals knew about the heated river long ago, it did not come before the world in any way. The river was worshiped by the locals as a holy land. Finding the river was not easy. Publicity about the river was forbidden outside because of local folklore and priests. Mayantuaku and Sanchuario Huistin live on the banks of the river.

There are many folk tales surrounding these two communities, which the locals have believed for ages. The locals believe that Mayantu is the spirit of the Amazon jungle, whose head is like a frog, but whose body is like a lizard. His arms and legs are like a tortoise again. They believe that this spirit called Mayantu is beneficial for them. Again ‘yaku’ means water. Many powerful souls like Mayantur live in the waters of this river. And other than the powerful priest, other people are afraid to go to that river. Because of these religious sentiments and the locals' strong belief in folklore, the outside world never knew about this river. Which is why Andres Rujo, with the help of a priest named ‘Maestro Joan’, reached the river.

Geographical location and some unknown information

This amazing river of boiling water is located in the heart of the Peruvian part of the Amazon. The city of Pukalpa is an hour's drive from Lima. It is one of the largest cities in Peru. It takes about two hours to reach the Pachita River from this city, and through this river one has to reach the much desired Boiling Water River. The first push by Andres Rouge to the river was the temperature of the river water. He thought it was hot water, but it was beyond his imagination that the river water would actually be so hot. He first tested the water temperature with a thermometer, which was about 200 degrees Fahrenheit; Which is not hot enough to boil at all, but enough to kill an animal.

Andres Rujo sees various small animals, such as frogs and snakes, floating in the river water. According to him, an animal tries to swim even after falling into the river water. But at first his eyes were damaged by the intensely heated water, which caused him to see nothing. Slowly the outer skin begins to boil, then hot water enters the internal organs of the body through the mouth. প্রায় Almost all the internal organs including the liver and kidneys of the animal gradually become useless; Due to which he can no longer swim. Once powerless, the animal dies.

This heated river is only a part of the river that flows through the Amazon jungle. The length of the whole river is about 9 km, but about 6.24 km of it is heated. Especially in the dry season it is so hot that it can kill any animal. Its temperature fluctuates between 26 and 94 degrees. The temperature of the river water reaches a tolerable level at that time of the year, when there is a lot of rainfall. The local people use the water of this river for making tea or other cooking.

One unfortunate frog dead due to hot water

What is the cause of the heat?

Andres Rousseau cites three possible reasons why the river is so hot.

1. His first thought was whether the water of this river was natural or artificial. For a river to flow naturally, it needs a lot of heat supply, a very large flow of water and any system that will keep the water heated from the top to the bottom. None of this was there. So this thought has to be eliminated.

2. The water of this river is not only heated in the world. There are many more river-lakes, where the water is heated; But all of them are located near one or another volcano. This is why heated groundwater can come out with heated lava. But in the vicinity of that river, there were no volcanoes within about 600 kilometers. So this possibility has to be blown away.

3. The third reason that can happen is if there is an accident at a nearby oil refinery. This can be a predictor of a terrible accident. And the location of an old oil refinery nearby raises Rujo's fears. But after much research, he came to the conclusion that river water was not the result of an accident at an oil field, but a completely natural phenomenon.

The conjecture and science of a geologist

During the course of his research, he came across some surprising information about that river. According to his research team, comparing the earth to a human body, there are many hot stones and hot water flows in the interior of the earth like blood vessels, veins and sub-veins. Which can be considered as the veins of the earth. Just as blood comes out when there is a hole in the veins and sub-veins of the human body, just as such holes are occasionally seen in these veins and sub-veins inside the earth, these heated rocks and water rise to the earth's surface. The exterior can be seen. Chemical analysis of the river water shows that the river water is mainly rain water. But according to Rousseau's estimates, the rainwater is located near the far-flung Mountains of the Andes, where the river originated.

And in the middle of crossing this long path, some of the water of the river enters the ground and is heated by the geothermal energy and slowly returns to the mainstream of the river in the form of heated water. And this is the creation of the heated river. This means that a large hydrothermal system is involved in the heating of this river, which is not seen anywhere else in the world. Rujo Spencer Wales and Jonathan Eisen, two other biologists who studied the genomes of all the animals that lived in or around that river, found that they had developed a kind of resistance to survival at high temperatures.

The official manifestation in front of the world

Ruzo wrote an article in National Geographic to inform the whole world about the river, the fruit of his many years of hard work. Through this the people of the outer world can know about the river. He then presented almost all the data of his research to the people in Ted Talk in 2014. Many mysteries of this river are still unknown to scientists.

Andres Rujo has so far continued his research around the river. But now he is trying to protect the river rather than knowing about it. He did not publish his research on the river until the Peruvian government took adequate measures to preserve it. Rujo also wrote a book on the river called The Boiling River. In the book, he has presented all his research and ideas about this river.

Current status

Although this place is currently used as a tourist destination, it is still not very well known to people all over the world due to its inaccessible transportation system. The biggest challenge at the moment is to keep the river in its own right. The river's existence is under threat as a result of the deforestation of the Amazon jungle. We still have a lot to know about the mystery of this river. In the meanwhile, if this river of wonder like a fairy tale is lost due to human beings, then perhaps an indomitable scientist like a fairy tale will be lost. Nature's gift will flow in the lap of nature for thousands of years, this is what millions of environmentalists have wanted, an indomitable prince of fairy tales. What can not be allowed?

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3 years ago
