How Bitcoin and Tesla both suffer from aggressive adversarial legacy technology

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3 years ago

It might sound odd with their current sticker price and market share.

But imagine what their price and market share would be when Bitcoin would not be hindered by crippling block constraints (and thus overpriced transaction fees) and Tesla would not be held back by comedic blunders on car shows (the Top Gear debacle), every crash getting a full spread in the newspapers (while still being safer than any car out there by a literal 6 stars out of 5) and shorts and thus a lower stock price and less money to invest in production.

How it could be

Everybody would want to use Bitcoin, because it would be so easy and cheap to use and with a 200% year over year increase in value I don't think anyone would complain about a bit of volatility while the 100 trillion cash market moved on chain. If they only started actually using it instead of just holding it.

And everybody would want to buy Teslas and TSLA stock, because clearly the other auto manufacturers do not have the skill to deliver the total package that Tesla has delivered for years. Over the air updates, mostly-auto-pilot, seats you can sit in for days, anyone? Also, the other auto manufacturers will sell out the limited amount of electric cars they do make, because they won't have enough batteries to put in them. Something Tesla is also on the forefront of preventing.

Who and why?

Both suffer from competing aggressive adversarial legacy technology companies with very deep pockets.

For Bitcoin it is the banks, they would stand to lose most business to peer to peer open source technology.

And for Tesla it is the oil companies. Conspiracy? In the past they literally killed the electric car. They also prevented battery technology, that was specifically developed by its inventor for electric cars, from ever being used to power (electric) cars.

Both these adversarial industries make billions each day. They know they face superior technology and are on the brink of a massive shift towards a cleaner, more open and more empowering world for individuals.

But every day they can lengthen their reign, they will take. If it is cheaper for them to extend their existence by just one more day, if they can make more money for one more day, they will take it. Throwing 4 billion in shorts every day while you are making 5 billion a day? Why not, you are still making a billion every day that the superior technology is slowed and prevented from reaching its true potential.

In the case of Bitcoin it is actually entire systems behind governments, especially the United States, which are trying to undermine the cause. Conspiracy? The USA stands to lose the US Dollar as the world reserve currency. This is a national security threat and logically will involve (at least) the NSA, which is literally known for its subversion tactics, overthrowing governments and installing puppets who are either knowingly or unknowingly doing their work.

The answer

Buy Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and TSLA stock and eventually buy a Tesla once you are rich.

Now seriously. Just start getting involved. Put some BCH Bitcoin Cash (Nobody actually uses BTC Bitcoin to actually buy anything) in a hot wallet on your phone, it is super easy to use that way. Pay with it where you can. Have a business? Start accepting it. Mention in shops you frequent that you would be happy to pay using it, if they would offer it. You can casually mention they wont even have to pay for an expensive payment terminal subscription when they start accepting it.

And in the case of Tesla, most people can only afford to only buy TSLA stock, if at all. So unsure what really can be done about this. Maybe try to convince them to do another 5 to 1 stock split?

I hope you enjoyed my rant. If you did, please up vote. Also, let me know in the comments if I missed anything or made a mistake somewhere.

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Written by
3 years ago
