The ways we search for our lost identity

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1 year ago

Lost identity, lost personality, lost understanding, I am looking for these factors. I am looking for these personalities. In short, I am looking for myself. How much I would like to be a man like a man and say I am here, but it seems futile. These things I am looking for are not even in dictionaries, they have even been deleted from them. As the searches increased, we became more articulate.

In fact, my search for myself and my orientation towards myself is not new, it is a search for a self and at the same time a search for truth. A parsing that "searches for itself in its being"... An ability that emerges with the unity of essence and speech. If these two concepts are different from each other, then there is a degeneration in finding oneself and it expresses two different objective, lost personalities that do not express each other.

However, the real thing is to find oneself through these two concepts. It is through these two concepts that he reaches the truth that surrounds him. The heart thinks and feels differently, the tongue says differently and expresses differently. One neither hears nor fits the other. It is far from harmonizing with each other. With this kind, it seems very difficult to reach the truth and find oneself.

When the word expressed the essence, it had a weight and a sanctioning power. Nowadays, the word has evaporated along with the essence in the person of the person who cannot carry the truth into his own being and has lost its meaning. As a result, the human being who could not carry the word to his essence and the essence to his word disappeared...The heart says one thing and the tongue says another. The earth, which has been honored with human beings since Adam, has not been so empty of faith, sometimes so barren like barren lands, and not so longing for its own essence.

The distance and contradiction in the language of those whose capital is their troubles remain foreign in finding themselves. Because he has broken his connection with God, forgotten the reason for his existence, become lowly despite being created with the most precious creation, and contradicted the statement that I created him as a caliph on earth. Which "merciful and just hand", which "high mind", which "human being with highly developed mind and heart scales", which "person with high discernment", which "compassionate soul" can remedy this fall? Most importantly, is there a person or people with this spirit on earth today?

There are many who smell of selfishness, but not many who smell of amber. They are miserable at the hands of enanity and self-will. What does the poet say "let go of the will of self, wherever you look, look with the eyes of truth The self is a phenomenon that has deep connections with the reality of human existence. Based on the relationship between phenomenon and perception, human beings generally prefer to adapt phenomena and perceptions to realities outside themselves. In other words, they look outside themselves...

But when the object of both phenomenon and perception is human beings, human beings take the first steps, the first but most difficult step, to face a truth that is even more difficult.

Because this is the greatest truth that human beings face without the opportunity for any theorization. That is, with the truth about himself. Yes, this is a confrontation. The confrontation of man with himself.

Truth can be sought both inside and outside the human being, that is, everywhere. The important thing is how much the human being is a shareholder in all of this, how he carries what and how he carries it to himself, and how much he gets his share of the fruit of wisdom called truth.

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1 year ago
