Full Review Of read.cash

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3 years ago
Topics: read.cash

If you're a content creator and like to be associated with the crypto-community, you're in the right place. Because in this article I am going to take you on a tour of the RedCash platform, which will help you better understand the concept behind the platform and introduce you to different functionality.


Official Website :   https://read.cash



 If you put it in a simple way, Read.Cash is a platform for your content, from which you pay for your activities. It's Bitcoin cash to reward content creators. Using BCH. Your project is still in its infancy and the BCH community continues to grow as it grows.




 The community has been playing a vital role in the economy of reading cash. Because they help the platform grow. The community has been helping readers find articles based on specific community topics. Your communities help you find niche audiences, for example if you're interested in writing about fitness you can join one of your fitness communities and post your article so you can You can easily connect with other fitness enthusiasts and get more likes from your clients. And you can build your own community.


 The idea of ​​the post


 At read.cash you can publish your two types of posts, one is a short post and the other is a complete article.


Short post:


You can use this type of post if you want to keep it short, or if you want to ask questions about community issues, you can ask in this type of post. You cannot include photos or videos in this type of post.


Full article:


If you are a pro writer and want to write more informative articles besides good kind of research then you can come under this article. And you can post your article and here you can include videos, pictures, your sponsor block.


How do you make money?



If you want to monitor your content or your first priority, you will fall 100% in love with this platform,


Here are three main options for earning your posts from read.cash.


Number 1:


If you post an article short post, you will get some points which will be converted to BCH in one day. So this award comes from the platform's Real.Cash Fund. And there are currently about $ 99,000 in the RealCash Fund.


Number 2:


If some members pay you a certain amount of money on a monthly basis for your content and will sponsor you. In return they will get a place in your sponsor block, which is usually at the end of each post.


Number 3:


If you are active on any other platform or community, you can ask your friends to join Reed Cash. You will receive 10% of your significant person's total earnings and 3% of that person's total expenses.



you can use this affiliate  link: https://read.cash/r/subas


 Boost your post

 You can either publish your post to a specific community and not just on the platform. You can also promote your specific posts by spending a certain amount to get more exposure from this platform.


You can also encourage someone else's post and your readers can also encourage your post, which will help you to have more readers and subscribers.


 It may take some time for you to get sponsored for your content first. You can share your posts with members of other platforms on that platform and ask them to sponsor your content.


If you think your content is valuable to sponsors and you want to get it easily, you can join the sponsoring community and where you can easily become a sponsor. This community is in its infancy, and you can find out more about how to sponsor through that community.



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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: read.cash
