360 Degrees Times Infinity!!!

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Avatar for stiVeeno
3 years ago

In good, bad and ugly times, trust the holy trinity,

His eye ever sees; 360 degrees times infinity.

The eye that sees the end from the beginning,

That never blinks, nor slumber,

That watches over us even while we're dreaming,

Can never be taken by surprise, oh! What a wonder,

That sees the gradual formation on an embryo,

That can accurately count the stars in the sky oh.

The eye that has seen millions of nations, rise and fall,

That saw Daniel, deep down in the lion's den,

That saw the Israelites dancing round Jericho's wall,

That saw the first beings and existed before then,

The eye that sees the impossible, but without the "IM",

That sees the tears behind your smile, no matter how you hide them.

The eye that existed before time was born,

That knows where the sun hides at night,

Of those shooting stars, the eye that sees their gun,

The only eye that saw the sun ignite,

That gentle, intimidating security,

That watches over the earth and the heavens in perfect unity.

In good, bad and ugly times, trust the holy trinity,

His eye ever sees; 360 degrees times infinity.


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