Coping With Impulsive Buying Behavior

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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Money, Motivation

Controlling impulsive buying behavior is quite difficult for some people. People who love to shop sometimes find it very difficult to control their impulse to buy things they don't need. They shop because it also helps them control their anxiety. Therefore, impulsive buying behavior becomes an extremely unhealthy coping method and mechanism.

Immediately after the relief triggered by their purchases, an individual with compulsive shopping disease, ie impulsive purchasing behavior, often experiences intense guilt and discomfort. As a result, their anxieties return in full, and sometimes even worse than before. This creates a vicious circle that can significantly harm the individual and their relatives, so we want to share with you some strategies you can develop to deal with this.

How impulsive buying behavior can be overcome

Compulsive shopping sickness, a condition that tends to be related to impulsive control disorders. Compulsive shopping, also known as oniomania, can be related to the background or content of this disorder, mood disorders, eating disorders, and personality disorders.

Buying unnecessary and unnecessary items.

Feeling extremely anxious and anxious to have a material.

A state of insomnia triggered by obsessive thoughts about purchasing this product.

An uncontrollable shopping desire.

Feeling instant satisfaction and relief about some unpleasant feelings when you buy something.

Feeling guilt and dissatisfaction after your first emotional rise.

Having the desired items will provide instant satisfaction. However, as we mentioned above, an individual with CBD will often feel embarrassed or guilty for not being able to control their impulse to buy something they don't need. This guilt will also increase when this material is not in their purchasing plans or does not fit the ideas they have of themselves.

The feeling that they are doing something bad will also cause them to hide their behavior. Sometimes they will lie to those around them about where the product came from and how much it costs. The feelings of shame that arise after this deceptive behavior can trigger anxiety and lead to more shopping. The feeling of relief they feel when they buy something will be a dominant emotional state and will be used to shade the feelings of guilt and shame that will come later. This is actually a vicious circle that is hard to break.

Emotions associated with shopping and its long-term consequences

Before making a purchase, people with oniomania feel extremely uncomfortable. Buying an item will be the only thing comfortable for them. As a result, they see shopping as the "magic" solution to their problem.

However, as you can see, this "magic potion" has some consequences. On the one hand, compulsive buying behavior causes too much guilt in the long run, which triggers more shopping. This vicious circle situation will still be present in any kind of addiction. Compulsive shoppers develop a tolerance to this issue over time, which means they have to buy more each time to get the same feeling of relief. Another factor is that compulsive buyers can quickly get themselves into financial trouble. They may need to take out loans or sell some of their items to earn enough money to continue buying.

Strategies to control compulsive and impulsive buying behavior

First of all, psychological therapy is the key to helping the individual control their habits. A professional may be very aware of the situation, especially in times of high risk. For example, when someone with CBD spends a lot of time at home with Internet access, this risk environment may have occurred. Controlling compulsive buying feeling and behavior online will be much more difficult due to the availability and variety of goods. Easily paying for things online will also be a contributing factor, as it will be easy to forget that you are spending real money.

Avoid credit and debit cards

Paying with real money helps build awareness of how much you spend. Paying a bunch of bills will be more difficult than paying directly by credit card. As a result, the fastest solution to buying impulsive supplies would be to access gift cards only. This way, you will be able to spend only the amount you plan to spend while enjoying the convenience of not carrying cash.

Set a maximum for monthly spend

Set a budget for on-demand purchases. Avoid rewarding yourself by increasing this amount. It will be a better feeling to celebrate the achievement of your goals. But if you have a shopping addiction, this celebration should not involve buying more. Instead, share your goals with someone else and enjoy the appreciation they give you when you reach them.

If you are going to a shopping mall, use public transport

This will make you think twice about buying too much. If you feel the urge to buy, you will need to spend more time and this will be in a lower comfort. The idea of waiting in line and crowded can be enough to deter you from unnecessary shopping.

Track your spending to avoid impulsive buying

Check your spending at the end of the week (or month). This can help you be more aware of how much money you spend on unnecessary items. Also, during these checks, you will notice what you've purchased when you feel bad.

Controlling impulsive buying behavior is not an easy feat. However, if you don't try to solve the problem, this habit can take control of your life. It can also affect your relationships with those around you. In this sense, a psychological therapy you can take can help you get out of this vicious circle.

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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Money, Motivation
