Why You Should Always Tell the Truth?

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Is it possible to lie to be able to maintain a reputation? Is it okay to lie if I don't want to hurt the feelings of my loved one? Am I just lying because my ego is hurt and I don't want to look like I'm the disappointment of the family? We all ask ourselves these things when we try to tell something that isn't the right one.

We all know the saying "Honesty is the best policy." and actually, I still do believe in this one. It is so hard to tell lies, especially since it comes back to you in the worst way possible. There are times that we do have to lie because we have reasons and we have people that we don't want to get hurt but at the same if we look deeper into it when we lie, we are already hurting that someone. I do think that the result will just be worse than what the liar's thinking.

The truth is important to us as individuals as well as to society as a whole. Being real allows us to develop and progress as individuals, learning from our errors. Truthfulness strengthens social relationships, whereas lying and hypocrisy weaken them. Believing something that isn't real is likely to derail people's goals and perhaps put their lives in jeopardy. Telling lies might result in legal and societal consequences. The excellent scientist, the good historian, and the good detective, on the other hand, are all committed to finding the truth. In the absence of facts that are as dependable and accurate as the circumstances allow, more often than not, communicators do harm or injustice rather than do good and act fairly. In order to combat erroneous, twisted, or deceptive factual information, noble intent are insufficient.

Today and throughout history, disagreements on what is real or factual are prevalent. While there are still disagreements over what truth is and how to evaluate it, everyone agrees on the significance of stating the truth. There are instances that the history is written in a different way to make people believe in something the writers want them to believe and to destroy an opponent to make themselves look better. It will be hard for the new generation to actually believe in books when in the first place, it was written in a perspective to show how good this one is and how bad the other one is. The trustworthiness and quality of facts and information are being treated with increasing skepticism by a growing number of communicators in mass discourse. Some argue that facts are irrelevant in public interaction and judgment calls, relying instead on confirmation bias and irrational thinking, and even dismissing facts as "white noise" to be ignored in order to achieve a purpose.

Even if our perceptions of reality fluctuate, the truth remains constant. The world was once thought to be flat. The reality of the world did not change when it was discovered that it is round rather than flat; it was only our belief that changed.

One thing that I find fascinating about someone who always tells the truth is that I can be able to trust them. I have trust issues so it's hard for me to put trust in someone, even if we are talking for a long time. I do have friends but I don't have best friends. It's clear to see how our culture is experiencing some serious issues. We're also seeing greater issues with "hatred," which rejects acceptance and is imposed via different forms of punishment. Everyone despises a liar. He has really no credibility. He may be successful for a limited moment, but he is doomed to fail in the long term. Nobody is willing to assist a lie. Nobody assigns him any assignment that requires him to be accountable. In business, he is unable to shine. Individuals will stop doing business with a restauranteur or singer who lies.

Falsehoods may be used to hide actual sentiments, making it possible to avoid doing things we would rather not do and improve our appearance. The mentality that the one who professes it has no bearing on the validity. An egotistical person cannot make his own truth wrong, and a humble person cannot make his own error true. They have the potential to harm not just the person to whom we lie, but also oneself. We may not always consider the true reasons why lying is the worst option as grownups. Ego is the first step toward dishonesty. It begins whenever we are unable to comprehend a traumatic event. We tell the first lie to ourselves.

Humans can't quite tell if the fact of the matter will indeed come out, but we can be sure that it will at some point. The individual who possesses this information wields the most influence over what will or will not be disclosed. Lack of integrity is almost usually the outcome of a desire to escape suffering on a certain level. In each scenario, honesty is the ability to tell oneself the underlying honesty. The risk of a falsehood getting out might be the most difficult element. Fear of the exposure ultimately coming to light might consume a cheerful mind and generate a great deal of tension.

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