Scariest Woman in History

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Ever heard of the true belief about taking a bath for your face to not get any wrinkles or your skin will stay young like before but the water is not really but blood? Well, one woman in history was imprisoned because of that belief and it really worked for her.

This is one of the case that really haunts me from the moment I heard of it. I actually knew this issue from a Facebook post, I think it was 2 to 3 years ago. And when I read it, it was really disturbing. It was not and never my intention to copy what he had done because obviously, if you want to take a bath full of blood from virgin women, you need a lot, and I mean a lot, of women to kill.

There are a lot of stories about Elizabeth Bathory also known as the Blood Countess. But I summed everything up to make a conclusion and to know the reasons behind all criminal actions.

Born in the 1560 in  Nyírbátor, Kingdom of Hungary, Countess Elizabeth Báthory de Ecsed is a noblewoman that owns a land in the Kingdom of Hungary. According to history, she was a very wealthy and powerful women who had a life that every women is dreaming of. She later then on married another wealthy man who came from another powerful family in Hungary named Count Ferencz Nádasdy. They both lived in Castle C̆achtice, that was a wedding gift from the Nádasdy family, and bore four children. After his death, it is believed that Bathory took control of the left fortune to remain a powerful countess. In 1609, it was the time when several accusations of Bathory killing women started to spark.

By the time Bathory's husband died, she was attracted to men below her 43-year-old age and was rumored that once when she had a relationship to a man, that man got attracted to another girl which left Bathory so devastated. It was then she realized how her looks would totally affect her future relationships and the only way to save it is to go back to her youthful looks. Since there are no make-up or facial creams before, it was believed that bathing into the blood of virgin women will make the skin get into young and fresh looking once again. Because Bathory was such a powerful woman back then, it was not hard to get people to make her plans work. It is said that there are over 600 women killed and tortured by Bathory and her servants to maintain the youthful looks of the countess.

The tortures and killings started when Bathory struck a young girls face and the blood got into her arm which later on she discovered went into younger and fresher look. This made her into a conclusion that the blood is the only solution so she will be more younger. Girls were hung naked and their throats were slashed to extract the blood from the body. There were even cases that Bathory would suck into the girls body parts to get the blood. She later on invited 25 young women who she made them finished their educations to fulfill her plans.

Until one day, when Elizabeth's servants was throwing a body of a girl outside the castle, some villagers saw it. But before that, rumors were already circulating in the kingdom and neighborhood. After that incident, the investigation started. Bathory and her servants were arrested after documents were found.

She was later arrested and died in prison in 1610.

$ 0.56
$ 0.45 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.11 from @Telesfor


Nice one

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I have heard about this story. Really horrible things are attributed to her.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is really hard to believe everything actually

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes hard to believe but there have been quite a few like her.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Unfortunately, torture and murder were the order of the day at that time. Fortunately, we live in the 21st century.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, we do, though some countries still have the death penalty these days. Thanks for the upvote!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

plz subscribe back

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I've read this before and there were historical contradictions to this claim, really because they discovered that she was a doctor and in those times, i think there was a pandemic as well (if i remember correctly) so ot wasn't a surprise that her castle was filled with bodies of people, it wasn't just virgins

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh I didn't know that one, thanks for the info

$ 0.00
3 years ago