Inside the Life of a Child Bride

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For centuries, the tragedy of being a child bride or a woman under the age of 18 is being forced to get married to an older man in exchange for a certain fortune is already a big issue.

So how come it is illegal to marry a child, that is not yet in her adulting stage?

First of all, a child under 18, has all the rights in the world including freedom. Freedom to play to have fun and make friends. Freedom to know and understand new things before even doing actions, whether it's bad or good. Freedom to choose his or her own path for the future. The fact that these were all taken away because she is forced to get married to an old man is really disgusting. These freedom are all taken because she has to fulfill her duties as a wife and as a mother. Instead of enjoying her childhood, she has to make adulting stuff.

Second, child marriage is a forced marriage. Forced marriages are never a good thing. You are supposed to marry someone you love and want to spend your entire life with. Marriage and having a family is a big responsibility. And with that responsibility, you have to make decisions that will affect each of the family members. When you are forced to get married, you are not only taken the freedom of life, life itself is taken away from you.

I met a girl once that is forced to get married. I named her Daisy, as I want to disclose her personal information. And when I asked her questions about getting married at a young age, I was completely shocked by what she said.

I first asked her how she got into that situation. She said that her mother was paid a cow by her husband now in exchange for her. She was completely shocked and lost her trust and respect for her own mother.

I also learned that this type of marriage is their tradition. It means that when a child is married, it is not surprising to most people in their area. Many people have been doing it for years because poverty was never solved.

Some mothers were also forced into this type of tradition because of their other children. Because they want their other kids to survive for more time, they have to sacrifice the eldest.

What really concerned me, is the fact that the government or those high-profiled people who can surely help them are just ignoring them. You can see golds around their households, yet they are not aware of what's happening around them.

I know that these rich people are not responsible for other's people's lives but at least do something productive. If they can go to the government office or talk to a politician and make a law, to stop this kind of child abuse, then the possibility of stopping this disgusting tradition will increase.

One action can change an entire way of living.

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