Behavior is the Biggest Enemy Against COVID-19

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The fear of COVID-19 seems to have decreased 14 months into the pandemic, leading them to become complacent about health protocols.

At first, there were different reactions from various cultures. The most common reactions of the people were unbelief, fear, and panic.

This may have a positive as well as a negative effect because a collective crisis is involved. There is a sense on the positive side of it that we are together, and we see a lot of wonderful examples of people supporting one another. On the bad impact, we see some people reacting with the feeling that they have to "protect their own."

It is "saddling," the expert said, although all sectors repeatedly warned that the virus is being transmitted. It has been said.

Earlier this month, many people have been reported swimming in resorts due to the celebration of Mother's Day. There's nothing wrong with taking your mother or family to a nice place, it's just that we are in a situation where human contact with another person is crucial.

Swimming isn't the problem here. The way that it provides no protection, there is close contact with people. It is when you approach each other that the water doesn't transmit the virus.

Many people simultaneously feel two impulses. Clearly, because of their insecurity, current threats, and potential threats, they will feel fear. And right now people's social indications will increase their perception that we are at risk. The long-term economic effect is also discussed, and people are genuinely concerned and scared. You'll have a real recipe for it.

You may have no desire to keep your view that you are always required to sacrifice and never get out of social distancing. But you'll be happy to make the sacrifices if you have a worldview that tells you it is important to help others. You watch around to see what people do. You may be more inclined to take strong action by taking your suggestions from others because you see other individuals doing this.

Another example of people behaving badly is to throw parties, especially birthday celebrations. I have no problem with Awarding Ceremonies like the Grammys, Oscars, or Brits because I have seen the way the production managed the people or the artists to maintain social distancing with one another. But with social media influencers doing parties and inviting guests who are beyond the number of people that should be in there is not the right thing to do. You can throw parties with just your family to at least lessen the transmission of the virus. Or even if they are not celebration, just a simple get together with people coming from different places is a big No.

I am not being a killjoy in here. All I'm saying is that if we can't help to reduce the number of people being infected by Covid-19 by treating them, we can somehow lessen the responsibility of a doctor by not getting infected and being a responsible citizen for once.

In the coming years, in many aspects of life, we will return to normality. However, many things may change forever. There's no question. The experience of customers, employees, citizens, and human beings has been altered by COVID-19. Wait for some time to see behavioral shifts.

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