At the end of the day, Promise is just a.....
No wonder too many people in this world has trust issues. We often make promises when we are happy, though we do it when feel that something needs to be done or we want to achieve something. We are full of regrets whenever we didn't meet the goal we need to do.
At the end of the day, PROMISE is just a WORD.
Before, I often trust people since I think that maybe somewhere inside their mind, they will feel the gratefulness since I trusted them. Unfortunately, a tiger won't eat you just because you are not going to hurt him. We all have different mindset. Mine just happens to be believing that everyone is still kind despite their issues in life. This made some people believed that I am too innocent to be brought up into this world. Some took advantage of it, knowing that I will never hurt them or fight back so they did it to me. Not physically wise, but the mental and emotional attack is far more abusive.
It is hard to do a promise. It is not hard to make it actually. You just need to utter the word or action for either yourself or towards another person. There is nothing wrong with promise. In fact, it strengthens the relationship between you two. The bond is getting stronger. And the smile is getting wider each day. The wrong thing is that you will never do it. Maybe because of three reasons; one is that you forgot to do it because of tons of reasons or you just said it to make the person happy at the moment or you are luring that person into something you want.
A promise is like walking in the woods in a dark night with no lamp or light anywhere to be found. It is scary and frightening as like you are walking into your death. The end path of that woods would either be a cliff or the sunrise. The amount of sacrifice and trust is put into. Those may not be a physical thing for a person to give but the emotional state, which is bigger, is not going to be bought by money.
You can't heal a person through words again. Why?, because they were through words so why would they trust it again?
I have been into promises that were never made. Like the promise of being loved for real but turns out that the love and bond was not real since the beginning. It's like he just did it for the purpose of not hurting me because he doesn't want to see me cry. Well, I cried since knowing the truth hurts so much compared to being told lies in exchange for a smile.
Life is actually simple as 1 plus 1 is equal to 2. It is hard to do that problem when we were kids since we don't really know how math works. But we manage to learn it because we have to. But since people are making things the harder way, we fall into a calculus equation.
Nice article