Vball in me

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Avatar for stella2020
4 years ago

"And we have a new champion that beats the team with a twice to beat advantage. Undeniably, crush the defending champion. Congratulations!!!"

Volleyball is not my cup of tea. I haven't played nor watch a game until that championship game. I do not know the rules of the game, not even familiar with volleyball players whom later I learned they are stars.

After that championship game, I reviewed previous games to understand how it is played And I came to realized that playing volleyball is like doing our everyday task.

  • Volleyball is a team sport.

    Volleyball involves players inside the court. Each player have to perform their specialty to the best that they can. Like in doing our task, we need help from others. We need their opinion and suggestions.

  • Volleyball needs connection.

    The setter must have build a strong connection between the other players. Otherwise, errors exceed than attack. Like in doing our task, our connection to the people around us is important. Otherwise, work is not relevant.

  • Volleyball means mental toughness.

    Unlike basketball that each quarter has a specific time, volleyball doesn't. As it says, one point at a time. Players that are not mentally strong easily give up a point. Being panic in a game does not help. In relation to our work, we have to do things patiently. We need to finish our work one at a time depending on its priority.

In reality life is a game. Life is like playing volleyball. And volleyball is part of me.


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4 years ago


I never played this game before but I'll try this someday

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4 years ago

I did once...

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4 years ago