İmportant Advice For Belly Area Problems

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2 years ago

The area that we all complain about is different, but I think the general problem is the belly. You will need these recommendations to get rid of the belly. You should know that the regional fats accumulating in your belly seriously threaten your health.

Your belly, which you ignore for many periods of your life, is actually an important situation stimulant that can endanger your health. For this reason, experts consider a fatty belly as an organ on its own and emphasize that it is an extremely unhealthy condition.

A fat belly does not only act as a balcony in your body, but also causes you to experience many health problems as it will cause your internal organs such as stomach, liver and intestines to become lubricated and thus not be able to perform their functions. On the other hand, visceral fat is a dangerous situation as it can damage hormones and cause health problems such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular problems and even cancer.

So, is it possible to fight fat, what should we do?

Increase Muscle Mass to Get Rid of the Belly

As you know, the biggest enemy of fat is muscle. All the muscles in your body are active even at rest and begin to fight internal fat. Muscles remove glucose from the blood and are responsible for supporting the liver to process fatty acids.

If you notice, people with a belly have weak lower body muscle mass and tend to get weaker as they age. As the volume of the leg and hip muscles, which are the largest muscle masses in your body, increases, the rate of fat burning increases, and you should also know that the lower body muscles must be in good condition in order for the fat-muscle ratio to become healthy.

According to a study conducted in the USA, it has been proven that people who do regular weight training have less abdominal fat than those who do only cardio exercises for the same period of time. To burn excess fat, you need to choose compound movements that work many muscles, such as deadlifts, squats and bench presses. In addition, since it is seen in the research that cardio has great effects on fat burning, it will be more efficient to apply both types of training alternately on different days.

Control Your Appetite

Your brain is just as responsible for belly fat as your stomach. Intrinsic lubrication is very difficult to get rid of because for your body, fats are its savior for survival. Your body stores nutrients and prefers to use them when resources are depleted.

Be careful not to consume calories late at night. In a study, 20 obesity patients were given 16 hours of not eating and 8 hours of freedom. It was stated that they can eat whatever they want between 10:00 in the morning and 18:00 in the evening, but they can only drink water and calorie-free drinks outside these hours. It was determined that the participants burned 5 percent of fat at the end of 10 weeks. None of the participants complained about the diet, and they even expressed the opinion that this diet can be applied more easily than other strict diets.

Avoid Processed Foods to Get Rid of the Belly

You should prefer natural and unprocessed foods to get rid of belly fat. Fiber-rich foods such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, oats and whole grain foods are especially important as they fight fat by reducing inflammation and metabolic problems. On average, you should consume about 30 grams of fiber per day. Studies show that people who increase their daily fiber intake by 15 grams have a 4 percent reduction in their internal fat.

Convert White Fats to Brown Fats

We're talking about something you'll probably hear for the first time. Brown oil. Unlike white fat, which sways as you jump, brown fats are firm and play an active role in metabolism. The irisin hormone can turn white fat into brown fat as a result of the calories you spend daily. Studies conducted in the past years have proven that the irisin hormone exists in the human body. In short, you should know that the more you increase the hormone secretion of the iris, the easier it will be to get rid of the white fat that bothers you.

In addition, the oils that cause visceral lubrication are white fats. Brown fat helps burn calories. We don't have a lot of brown fat in our bodies, and this number decreases as we age. As your waistline expands, we need to be careful as healthy brown fat turns into unhealthy white fat.

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2 years ago


Thanks for sharing this tips. I also have complaints about my belly fat and I guess these can help me, a lot.. :))

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Don't worry, a little movement and perseverance solves it all :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I guess so...Hopefully it works for me..Hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago