Exercises you need to do to have flamboyant shoulders

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2 years ago

Summer is coming, friends, it's time to get tight and have a good body. Otherwise, we can be the focus of negative views on the Beaches.

I'm joking, of course, being healthy is our first goal, then appearance is of course important. First, to like ourselves, then consider the opinions of others.

Get Ready to Look Flamboyant and Stylish with Shoulder Exercises. If you think about which area is the most effective and attracting the most attention for your appearance, my answer will undoubtedly be the shoulders. Strong and broad shoulders will not only make you look like a superhero, but will also cause the perception that your waist circumference is narrower.

Losing as much fat as possible and developing shoulder muscles are the two best practical ways to make your muscles look wider.

By evaluating these alternatives, we can now focus on the shoulders! By incorporating these three moves into your training routine, it's easy to get bigger and sleeker shoulders.

1 – Shoulder Exercises Dumbbell Arnold Press

I can say that the Arnold Press movement is the most effective exercise that affects all shoulder muscles. Whether it's dumbbells, bar or smith machine in your shoulder workouts, overhead press movements must be included. The reason for this is that the rotational movement you perform during Arnold Press has a direct effect on all 3 muscles of the shoulder and provides support for its strengthening.

You can perform the Arnold Press exercise in 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions. If your preferred weight is relatively lighter, you can hold for 3-4 seconds in the lower phase of the movement, or you can also create an explosive set with a faster pace. The training program will be shaped by your preferences.

2 – Dumbbell Lateral Raise

There are many studies that reveal that the environments you enter make your body look larger and more attractive. I would like to remind you that the lateral shoulder muscles are a very important exercise for our appearance.

Since the type of movement that supports the development of lateral shoulder muscles is to open your arms to the sides, adding side lifts to your shoulder training will be a very logical strategy and will allow you to achieve better results.

In fitness work, many people do the lateral raise using very high weights. This situation causes the correct form of movement to deteriorate and invites injuries. By holding on to a solid place with your unused arm during the movement, by choosing a weight that you can lift in the right form, it is possible to get more efficiency by making the movement more isolated. You can do 4-5 sets of Lateral Raise in the range of 12-15 reps. If you think that training is getting into your routine, you can get more effective results by surprising your body by doing higher repetitions.

3 – Shoulder Exercises Landmine Lateral Raise

For the start of the move, you place the tip of the barbell on a landmine support bracket or on the corner of a wall. Then, holding the other end of the barbell, you perform the lateral raise.

So what makes this move so special?

It is an exercise that works all 3 muscles of the shoulder, front, side and back of the shoulder. It also affects the lower trapezius muscles. With this move, you will see that your shoulder muscles are getting stronger.

You can also apply the Landmine Lateral Raise movement, which you can do in 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions, at the beginning of the training for warm-up purposes. In this way, you will feel stronger when performing basic shoulder movements such as the overhead press.

My advice for beginners; You start with an empty barbell. However, over time, you can add the appropriate weight to yourself and work more effectively.

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2 years ago
