A $50 Airdrop? Why NBA Playoffs may be your best chance to get into TopShot!

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Avatar for spida45
2 years ago
Topics: TopShot, Nba, NFTs, Blockchain

Whether you are an NBA fan or a casual, or even an NFT collector or NFT curious, NBA TopShot might be the space for you. I noticed this platform lacked any dedicated or curated content on TopShot and being a huge NBA fan with a recent interest in blockchain, I thought I could fill in the void. 

In fact, if this is your first introduction to TopShot, you might just be in luck. Or even if you're worried about missing out on early adoption or heard rumors of the market spike and subsequent crash, this might be the moment for you. With NBA Playoffs tipping off this weekend, TopShot is offering new collectors an advantage as they tip off their own collections. $50 worth of Dapper, the in-house currency used to purchase Moments from the Market place are being credited to new users after their first purchase, as long as it's completed by Saturday May 29.

This is an incredible opportunity, one that early adopters who recognize the market is in a rut and Moments are at all time low would kill to have. This credit can give new users the chance to start their collections with insanely cheap Limited Edition Moments of mega stars like LeBron and Curry

The Flow blockchain that TopShot is built on is not even beset by the troubles of gas felt on Ethereum or RAM usage on WAX. It is incredibly easy to onboard credit card payment options from multiple countries and perhaps the biggest source of FUD in the TopShot ecosystem - withdrawals - have been addressed as well. What are you waiting for then? Get your collection started before prices rise as we get deeper into playoffs and perennial contenders and HOFs like LeBron move out of reach again.

I'm hoping to do a better introduction to NBA TopShot over the coming weeks, but I wanted to make sure people were immediately aware of this offer. It is the equivalent of a $50 Airdrop, with the values of these Moments at an all time low practically guaranteeing a positive ROI. These are some of the first digital sports collectibles ever, specifically video collections, and the best of them are likely to hold and generate immense value in the long term.

For those looking for a more accessible introduction to NBA TopShot, this interactive infographic does a great job explaining Moments, scarcity, their partnership with the NBA and NBPA and future utility in the form of a game called Hardcourt.

There are some amazing resources in the community as well as utility drivers in the ecosystem including MomentRanksThe First Mint, and Own The Moment, who can help guide and enrich your TopShot experience. I'm planning on running reviews on their work in future posts on this blog (especiallyy MomentRank's Play H2H Fantasy Tournaments running through playoffs that are driving up utility), but I would definitely recommend checking out The First Mint's TopShot 101 immediately for those entirely new to the space.

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Avatar for spida45
2 years ago
Topics: TopShot, Nba, NFTs, Blockchain
