; where all the cool kids hang

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2 years ago

I keep hearing this comparison over and over again: " is like Twitter but you can get tips in BCH." Stop right there, Sherlock. There's not so much in common in between and Twitter, if you haven't noticed. If you think they're that much alike, you're not really paying attention. 

Twitter is purely a micro-blogging platform, first off. You are limited to a maximum of 280 characters or Unicode glyphs. If you want to express an idea and it requires you to use more than 280 characters or Unicode glyphs, you'll have no choice but to create another post (or tweet) to give continuation and say everything you want or need to say. There's someone who was pretty consistent at over-extending this limit and still say pretty much nothing worthy at all, if you remember; his name was Donald J. Trump. He'd only need to use one post (or noise?) over at to say the same as in the example shown below. 

Another difference that makes a whole fuck load of a difference in my personal case is the clean design has in regards to Twitter when it comes to the Desktop UI, since in my case I end up not fitting the profile of the most common user and I mostly surf my apps through my laptop while at my desk, and not on my phone. I know you guys can fit your selfie needs on the go with those fancy iPhones in your pockets, but I'm still a proud member of the tribe that's able to do an entire subway ride without feeling the need to stuck my eyeballs deep within my Facebook for mobile. And I plan on sticking to it. 

So let's have a look at that, and check what you get when you open on a laptop. 

Yeah, that's right. Pretty simple and slick, hum? Notice how the sides are not flooded with crap you don't need to know about and how your attention is drawn to what really matters, which is the content other users are putting out for your delight and entertainment? Once you start navigating downwards and exploring the menus on top you'll also understand you pretty much have everything you need to meet your fast-blogging needs, either they be micro or macro. That's right, unlike in Twitter there's no cap here for the amount of curse words you want to put out and that's a good thing, which is extremely useful for the times in which you are having such a bad day you need to put on a longer rant, for example. Fuck dip shit China ban news bastards!! - ring a bell?

On Twitter, things are a little more "clunky" to say the least.

Shit. My brain hurts just from having to look, so I could place this picture here. Those Trends and Who to Follow sections on the right are completely unnecessary and seem designed to just give you headaches and lure you into a shit hole of brain damaging consequences. At college, my Literary Methods professor was always saying how the Renaissance had free'd mankind with the printing press by making books and knowledge accessible to all, and how in the current day we are suffering from the opposite effect of having access to pretty much everything, which results in a pure pile of crap and steps back in terms of knowledge accessibility. This here, is a perfect example of how more is so often times less. The slick design offers beats this amalgamation of bad taste fonts Twitter has by 1000%, enough said.

Not really. Then there's the little great difference that happens to be very significant to many. The tipping part, and the fact you get Bitcoin Cash from the content and interactions you create. This is of course the most praised feature, that also leads to the greatest problem the platform has. Many people are purely spamming for tips and creating zero quality content, and this forces an ongoing response from the team in constantly adjusting the tipping alghoritm. These days, these guys are getting no tips even if they get likes, which is a great step towards improving the quality of the content the platform overall provides by discouraging spam content. These dudes are also why you will come to find the Ignore button to perhaps be more than just a friend.

Occasionally, you might even cross a few red lines yourself and stay without receiving tips for 24 hours or so. Don't panic. Keep writing and interacting and you'll be back on track in no time, as long as the shit you are saying is legit and not a fucking boring copy paste from the web. Just be yourself and the rest will follow. 

I could go on on why is a layer 2 improvement to what Twitter has to offer. But you'd be fucking bored and I'd be wasting precious time I could be otherwise applying to some more Binance Shit Chain dirty action. It's one of those things one needs to experience, like the sweet satisfaction of checking what's up and seeing that red bell. It usually means you either got a tip, or someone is interacting with one of your comments at the very least. Usually you get both at the same time. 

Come check it out, nerd. You'll be a fool to one day wake up and realize all the cool kids are doing it and you're still the same dirty old bag who hasn't left the house. At the very least take a moment to drop by and prove me wrong, if you happen to think I am full of bullshit on this one:

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2 years ago
