Special Low Fat Chicken Biryani

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3 years ago

* Special Low Fat Chicken Biryani **

Learn Special Low Fat Chicken Biryani Cooking Recipes -


260 grams of basmati rice,

600 grams of chicken without bones

Chicken stock 600 ml,

Two tablespoons of semi-skim milk,

Garlic paste three koya,

Ginger paste two tablespoons,

Cinnamon powder 1/4 tablespoon,

One tablespoon of turmeric powder,

Half a tablespoon of pepper powder,

One tablespoon of cumin powder,

Five tablespoons of sour yogurt,

Four onions,

Whole cinnamon two pieces,

Five small cardamoms,

Clove three,

One tablespoon of hot spices,

Mustard oil four tablespoons salt to taste.


First mix the chicken, garlic paste, ginger paste, cinnamon powder, turmeric powder, sour curd, chilli powder and salt in a bowl and leave it for one hour to marinate. Heat the milk and set it aside with a little saffron. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Put one tablespoon of oil in the baking tray. Slice the onion and put it in the tray.

It will take 45 minutes for the onion to turn red and fry. Now in a large pan with a tablespoon of oil, fry the remaining onions until it turns red. Then add chicken, sour curd and chilli powder one by one. Cover with 100 ml of water for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, when the meat is cooked, put it down. In another pan, fry with one tablespoon of oil, whole cinnamon, cardamom, cloves and cumin. Add rice and fry for one minute.

Day with chicken stock and cook for eight minutes. When the rice is half boiled, add water. Mix hot spice powder in one tablespoon of oil and keep aside. Now preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius again. Now fry the lightly cooked chicken and some fried onions in an ovenproof container. Then spread some cooked rice on it.

Sprinkle a little hot spice oil on it. Serve with the remaining chicken, fried onions and the rest of the chaltuku. Put saffron mixed milk on it. Then spread the onion pieces and cover the face of the pot with foil paper.

Then cook in the oven for 25 minutes. When cooked, remove from the oven and serve hot. Low fat chicken biryani.

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3 years ago



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3 years ago

Jsjsjsk Ksksk

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

that biryani look so yummy

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3 years ago


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3 years ago