Let's Courageously Listen to Our Hearts

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1 year ago
Topics: Heart, Writing, Blog, Life, Words, ...

I have been interested in spirituality since I was a little girl, and since I was the only one in my family interested in such things, I was always a bit alien to them. The things I was interested in or trying to understand always seemed foreign to my peers. To be honest, I'm still triggered by that little girl, and as long as I take up space in this life, I'm going to be triggered and try to get a little bit closer with each trigger.

Isn't the hardest thing in the world to do justice to the practice of being ourselves without caring what the people around us think? Friends, I wrote it in one sentence, but we all know that it is not so easy to do it justice.

My story of quitting my full-time job was also a product of this flow. Despite many fearful scenarios of the mind, I was able to take action and leave my safe space. Life brought me to the present because I chose to walk step by step from there to here. But I have news: Some letting go can involve a few comebacks, and that's okay!

Writing and teaching yoga classes are the same attraction for me. When I write, rather than trying to be the one who chooses or determines the words, I become the one who lets them flow. I mediate what already wants to come out, so there is a special relationship between us... The same is true when I teach. Seeing different bodies, different stories, holding space and practicing being yourself in that yoga class without worrying about what the person in front of you, next to you, behind you will say is my biggest inspiration as a yoga instructor, yes...

Isn't it courageous to feel attracted to someone and let them guide you? Because we humans are always running away from feeling. The problem is that we run away without knowing that we are running away. At some point we become so numb that when we are drawn towards something, we think it's fear. And then the whole movie gets confused.

In group classes, the most common thing I see in the body language of those who are taking their first yoga class (including their changing psychology from time to time) is timidity, their belief that they are wrong or that they cannot do it. This is my favorite part to remember, because this is where I learned to remember.

When I decided to open a yoga studio last year in the darkest part of the pandemic, again, everyone around me thought it was not a healthy idea. According to them, I was going into a business that was going to fail and everyone was coming to me with the worst case scenario. Friends, it's not easy to move forward when you hear such voices around you, believe me. But again, I felt the same thing: The decision had already been made and the path was formed. What would have happened if I had not taken this path? I don't know, but what I felt was that very clear pull. To be honest, I feel that the studio healed me on a deep level, but again I can't explain it in words.

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Avatar for sophiarggen
1 year ago
Topics: Heart, Writing, Blog, Life, Words, ...
