The Key To Victory [Everything Is Painful]

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3 years ago

If you sit down for far too long,it's painful.If you stand up for far too long it's painful.If you eat too much it's painful.If you walk for far too long,it's painful.If you run far too long it's painful.If you work for too long.If you stay too long on a flight it's painful.Nothing is easy or is as easy as it seems.When a woman gives birth,it's painful.Too much of a good thing is painful.Endurance is very painful.Waiting is very painful.Mix endurance with waiting and you now have the key to victory.Thomas Edison said,'even if i fail thousands of times i will keep on trying'.This is why most people cannot achieve what they set out to do.They try once,twice,thrice and then they give up.Endure the pain of endurance and waiting and you will succeed in your business,work,school or life ambitions.

Raymond Mafukidze

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