The lion and the mouse.

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4 years ago

One day a lion was sleeping in the forest and some mice were running over him. At this his sleep was broken. He rose up and caught one mouse. He was about to kill it, when the mouse asked for pardon in very soft words. The mouse begged the lion not to kill him because the lion was their king and he was gret and kind. The lion became kind to the little trembling mouse and let it go without punishment. Later the lion, when catching his pray, was caught in the net of a hunter. The lion could not free himself. He was crying. He tried and tried but could not free himself of the net. Suddenly he saw the little mouse who told him not to be afraid. The mouse bocame sorry for the lion. He went to help him.The mouse was now able to give his friend the very help he needed. It cut the ropes of the net using its sharp little teeth and the lion got free. The lion thanked the helpful mouse and was grateful to him.........

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