Vigilante 8 2nd Offense Gameplay 07-05

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3 years ago

Playing as Sheila I drive the Baja Bug and get a gattling gun for a special weapon. Its a small vehicle but a big weapon. The buggy moves around easily and outruns most vehicles I run into. We are playing the Los Angeles docks level and I have to take out the limo and the rover. I look for more weapons and try to get whammies. Almost killing the rover it gets away though I find it near the explosive containers. It kills itself crashing into one finishing the job for me. Using missiles and the canon I try to get some good combos but before that I search for health. They come in the form of wrenches. Theres never enough of them. I grab a shield just as Nina launches rockets though the second shot gets me without any shields. I do my best to evade them though I find myself getting shot at quite a few times before the rockets barrages stop. I climb up the lighthouse and collect a special weapon and wrenches to fix my Baja Bug. I also get the hover upgrade as well. The trash truck tried to take me out but I kept firing and getting away from its front weapon. Using the hover option I can stay away from Nina's missiles. I eventually lose that powerup and its back to running from the missiles. I go back onto the water and find myself some wrenches. I missed a few when Nina was firing missiles at me. All and all I lose and get taken out by missiles. This level is probably my least liked one but I still have to complete it. I play again but get destroyed in a short time. I rage quit but will come back another day to try again, sometimes it can take a few tries before I beat a level.

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3 years ago
