What to do to stay away from cancer

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3 years ago

# What to do to stay away from cancer

The risk of dying from cancer is increasing day by day. But also because of the bad effects of our daily work, cancer cells grow in the body. What you may not know is that some of your small precautions and precautions can play an effective role in preventing cancer cell formation in the body. So every day you have to refrain from doing anything that can cause cancer in your body. Let's find out.

People who sit for a long time are more likely to get cancer by about 10% every 2 hours. According to the researchers, it is better to get up after half an hour and take a short walk. If that is not possible then it is important to take a big break every 2 hours.

We need to consume less than 6 grams of salt or 2.4 grams of sodium every day. Eating more than this is deadly harmful to health.

Many kinds of chemicals are produced in meat that is burned in coal fires, fried in oil at high temperatures and cooked. Which helps in the formation of cancer cells. The layer formed on top of the meat as a result of marinating prevents the meat from being cooked over direct heat and does not produce harmful chemicals. So you must marinate the meat before cooking.

If the fruit is kept at normal temperature, its nutritional value remains intact and the amount of nutrients capable of binding to cancer cell formation is high. For example, if tomatoes and peppers are left out instead of refrigerated, they contain twice the amount of bactericrotin and 20 times the amount of lycopene, which is especially effective in inhibiting cancer cell formation.

If you want to eat vegetables baked in the oven without frying in the hope of healthy food, then forget it completely. This is because serving in the oven reduces the cancer resistance of broccoli by about 98%. The same thing applies with other vegetables. If you want to eat healthy, boil it in the oven and eat it.

Several studies have shown that long-term use of artificial light, especially at night, increases the risk of breast and prostate cancer. Researchers attribute this to the effects of light on the body's hormones that occur in our bodies during sleep. So the less artificial light can be used, the better.

Scented candles have carcinogenic effects. This type of chemical rich wax burning smoke and odor is very harmful, especially in closed rooms. Let the house be light ventilated and stop buying scented wax.

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3 years ago
