Account of the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost

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2 years ago

Account of the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost in the Acts of the Apostles 1:14 and 2:1-47

The scriptures tell us that at first people did not believe in the Lord and in His ability to make a change in their lives. They mocked the Lord's disciples as they revealed the Lord's ability to perform a miracle to whoever believes in Him. But the word of the Lord is stronger than their mockery and the fabrics of lies they do. Jesus used instruments to express to the people the truth and to open their eyes from their blinded beliefs. When the apostles expressed God’s words and how He perform miracles, the people began to believe and started to have fear of the Lord. Since then, the holy ghost has lived with them and their lives have completely changed. All of them came together to exercise their faith, worship the Lord, and left their old lifestyle for their salvation.

In conclusion, if we accept the Lord in our lives with all our hearts, we are sure to attain salvation. When we were baptized in the name of the Lord, our original sins were taken away from us and gave us a new life as adoptive children of God. We became the temple of the holy spirit and salvation is in us. God is merciful to the point that even if we are great sinners, He still loves us unconditionally and always grants forgiveness. He does this because we are His children and He wants us to live a life like His away from evil doings and sins. The life we have is not ours but the Lord’s, thus, what we need to do is to continue to believe and trust in His ability to do the work. Our God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent meaning He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and of course all-present. There’s nothing that God can’t do to change our lives, all we just need to is to surrender everything to Him. Everything we have, earthly or heavenly, all belongs to God and the most important gift we have is the life we are living today.

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2 years ago
