DEGO Protocol - Sustainable Decentralized Finance Ecosystem

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3 years ago

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DEGO is crypto new idea with a sustainable Decentralized Finance ecosystem. DEGO adopts a modular design. Modularity refers to the combination of various elements of the product to form a subsystem with specific functions. Dego combine these subsystem as a universal module with other modules to create a new system with multiple functions and performance. You can also learn what is DEGO & how it works here.

DEGO Token Specification

Token Allocation

Total Supply (100%): 21,000,000 DEGO

  • Liquidity Mining (80%): 16,800,000 DEGO

  • PreSale & Whitelist (10%): 2,100,000 DEGO

  • Uniswap Liquidity (5.25%): 1,102,500 DEGO

  • DEGO DAO (3.75%): 787,500 DEGO

  • Airdrop (1%): 210,000 DEGO

Uniswap Initial Liquidity

  • 700 ETH & 1,200,000 DEGO

  • Uniswap Listing Price: 1ETH = 1,496 DEGO

DEGO Staking Program

The popular formulas of current liquidity mining are:

Daily output per person = Daily output of the mining pool * Staked amount/Total staked amount

The whales become the top winners, they can easily take away nearly all liquidity rewards and irrational sellout their yield. And this is a harsh predatory game for shrimps. With the rise of yield farming, whales are the most common concern for DeFi farmers. To solve this problem and toward a more sustainable ecosystem of DeFi, Dego create the Liquidity Mining with algorithmic adjusted.

DEGO NFT Program

DEGO NFT is an exploration to the GameFi. There should be more novelties in the world of DEFI, and DEGO NFT will be presented in a new way. DEGO NFT Opensea trading now. Rules for NFT Mining Pools & DEGO NFT Auction

DEGO Liquidity Mining Pools

DEGO will officially opened its Liquidity Mining Pools to the public

DEGO has a Total supply of 21 million, 80% of which will be minted out by liquidity mining.

Mining supply: 16,800,000 DEGO

Halving period: 1 week

The initial set of available pools description details.

DEGO Chain

DEGO will be deploying transfer bridge on the Polkadot chain to make Bitcoin and other public chains become Polkadot's parachain. Through the XCMP protocol, users can use other encrypted assets to enter the Ethereum public chain and participate in DEGO. Subsequently, DEGO will be based on Substrate and connected to the Polkadot network to become a parallel chain, further realize cross-chain asset transfer and exchange, cross-chain smart contracts, and cross-chain combination of DeFi applications in other public chains to form a unified cross-chain DeFi Ecosystem.


DEGO is somehow different from other blockchain defi projects, DEGO has a sustainable ecosystem that will provide healthy benefits for all. It provides easy mining method on the platform & also DEGO token utility adopting Defi will increase the demand for DEGO Tokens in the market.

Author BTT username: cryptopediabd & profile link.

$ 0.04
$ 0.04 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for smarakib34
3 years ago
