Sayings about women

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3 years ago

Sayings about women Women must be brought up to find happiness and misery in themselves and not in others. The corruption of the man is the injustice and the corruption of the woman is a trial, and the worst of times are what spread in their place of the two. Do not awaken the woman you love .. Let her in her dreams so that she does not cry when she returns to the bitter reality. The world is the heart of a man, and the heart is the world of the woman. The woman sees deeper while the man sees farther. The girl who expresses her love to you from the first meeting leaves you without a word of farewell. The woman is glorified with her broad knowledge, her wise statement and her glorious career. Neither the roughness of a man gives him the favor of one who is piety, nor the softness of a woman that detracts from the fortune of charity. The woman is the only place that makes the four directions one and cannot be identified. The woman carried life and also death. I am amazed by the woman who takes care of all my grief, from beginning to end. Is this what we want .. What we really want is the education of women above all else. No development without changing the position of women. But the family is not based on the darkness of a woman's eyes and the redness of her cheeks, but on her morals and character. Women are like the world in which the fluctuations of the four seasons. The problem with love is that the right man encounters the right woman. Married woman does her face. The goldfinch forgets to tweet and the woman does not forget to speak. A woman's modesty is almost more attractive than her beauty. The age of the man as he feels and the age of the woman as it looks. There must be a global revolution that puts an end to all material conditions that hinder women from fulfilling their natural role in life. Three women and three geese making a market. The morning dew and the woman's tears dry quickly. The homeland of the woman is her husband. The history of the female supremacist tribe seemed to be the true mother of all. Only a woman can hold within her an unwarranted hope. I do not like in a woman what she is for her herself, but what she is directed towards me, what she represents to me. Women are aging faster than men. That a woman is bewitched first by the security that the man cultivates around her, and then everything comes by itself

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3 years ago
