Eat watermelon and diet

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3 years ago

Watermelon Watermelon, one of the summer fruits, which is characterized by a wonderful taste, and a very pleasant flavor, gives the body recovery and vitality, because it contains a high percentage of water, so watermelon, purifies the body from toxins and impurities, and contains many important nutrients, while enjoying With a great ability to lose weight, watermelon is included in many diets. Nutritionists recommend eating watermelon, to get a lean body and a healthy weight, away from excess fat, as watermelon does not contain fat at all, and it contains a low percentage of sugar, few calories, and a high proportion of vitamin C and vitamin B1, vitamin B6, beta-carotene, and many antioxidants, such as lycopene, magnesium, and potassium. Eating watermelon and dieting the watermelon diet is applied to lose weight, in two stages, in the first stage, watermelon is eaten for three consecutive days, without eating any kind of food, taking care that the body is not weak or suffering from chronic diseases, and in the stage The second of the watermelon diet to lose weight, watermelon is eaten in addition to other types of foods, over a period of six days, where meals are distributed as follows: The first day: Breakfast: a cup of whole grains, in a cup of milk, with a piece of toast. Snack: 2 slices of watermelon. Lunch: a piece of boiled or grilled chicken breast, or grilled fish, with a salad plate plus vinegar and lemon. Dinner: two slices of watermelon. The second day: Breakfast: one slice of watermelon, in addition to a cup of coffee or a cup of green tea. Lunch: one veal steak, one cup of white rice, and one slice of watermelon Ø®. Dinner: a small piece of white cheese, with a slice of toast, with one slice of watermelon. The third day: Breakfast: one slice of watermelon, with a slice of brown bread, with a cup of green tea. Lunch: a piece of chicken breast, skinned and grilled, or boiled, a slice of brown bread, and one slice of watermelon. Dinner: 100 grams of grilled fish, one hundred grams of boiled rice, two slices of watermelon. The fourth day: Breakfast: a slice of watermelon, a slice of toast, and a cup of green tea. Lunch: 50 grams of pasta and three slices of watermelon. Dinner: vegetable salad and watermelon to taste. Fifth day: breakfast: two slices of watermelon. Lunch: a plate of vegetable soup, a slice of brown bread, and two slices of watermelon. Dinner: one baked potato and two slices of watermelon. The sixth day: breakfast: three slices of watermelon. Lunch: roast veal, 1 fresh watermelon. Dinner: a slice of brown bread, a slice of white cheese, and three slices of watermelon.

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3 years ago
