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3 years ago

# Part-1.

- "Why is Mr. standing like this? Take this broom! Come and go from here to that field with a broom".

The boy said in surprise ...?

- "What".

The girl said a little annoyed?

- "Don't you understand Bengali or do you have to speak in English?"

- "Do you know what you said to this girl?"

- "I can't see anyone here except you. So what can I say to anyone but you huh?"

The boy said a little angry ....?

- "Look, you don't know me."

- "Why do you have to recognize me when you go to give a broom? You see, I can't recognize you so much. Take a broom in your hand and beat the broom to see who the dirt is". He held the broom in the boy's hand and said ".

The boy closed his eyes for a while and looked at them again and shouted angrily.

- "But now it's getting worse."

- "You know how many types of excesses? You don't know. If you want to know, you have to give a broom. Take it and start working".

After saying that, the girl started sweeping. The girl looked at the boy sideways and became angry. It doesn't matter to the girl.

The girl is sweeping and saying.

- "Looking at you, it seems that you are studying in this college. If you study in college, you have to work a little or a little. Today or some other committee will come again. Sir has asked you to give a better broom for him. All the girls are giggling happily. It's beautiful to see or like the zoo's badar. What's in it for me? I just want to see the badar once. Red badar, or black badar. Do you know the name? Ariani! "

The boy is whispering in anger when he hears about the girl.

Suddenly a boy came from behind and the girl was shocked to hear what he said.

- "Brother Aryan! Why are you standing here with a broom in hand?"

Hearing the name Aryan, the girl's eyes became as big as Rasgolla's. The girl swallowed a little in fear. The girl does not know what will happen to her now? The girl turned her head in slow motion and looked at the boy named Aryan. Her condition has worsened due to fear.

Aryan is looking at the girl with angry eyes. The anger is clearly understood in Aryan's eyes.

The girl forced a smile on her face and said mumbling.

- "Huh! Brother, give me the broom. You don't have to sweep anymore. I'm sweeping the field."

Aryan is still looking at the girl with anger. The boy next to Aryan is trying to understand what happened here a little while ago. Why the broom in Aryan's hand? "

Aryan said in an angry voice ...?

- "If not"?

When the girl heard that, she swallowed one more thing in fear. Arian is very angry. If he is beaten. Thinking this, the girl threw the broom and ran away.

The girl said to herself.

- "Aria Bug"

The girl did not look back. The boy named Aryan is still looking at the girl with angry eyes. The girl ran and suddenly collided with a girl and fell to the ground. The waist hurts a lot.

- "Ahhh! My waist is gone, Ray."

The one who bumped into the girl is her best Rimi. Rimi shouted with her hand on his hip.

- "Where did Aria's baby fly from and fall on my body? Did the mad dog chase you? Ahhh my waist".

- "Mad dog didn't chase me, Badar chased me"

- "Badar! What is Badar?"

- "Aryan Badar"

- "Don't call that Aryan Badar?"

- "Say it a thousand times? Now pull me. I have a lot of pain in my waist".

- "You get up bastard me"

- "Don't get up, yah!"

That's what happened on its own. Rimi got up and said angrily.

- "Now what happened to the ball? Why did it fall on my body like Morak? Wait! You were talking about Aryan a while ago, weren't you?"

- "Yes! Hear what happened?"

- "Yes! Say it".

- "Stand alone."

- "I mean lonely?"

- "I say from the beginning"

- "God go ..... yes! Tell Boin".

The girl told her friend about all the incidents there. Rimi laughed heartily when she heard that. Seeing that, fire is burning on his body. He said angrily.

- "Stop laughing"

Rimi said with a smile.

- "What will happen to you now, Ray Aria? You are in Aryan's clutches. You have fallen. You don't know Aryan. Aryan will take care of it."

- "Shut up! Don't be afraid. Let's go home. No more sweeping today. I'll come and sweep tomorrow".

- "Okay let's go".

They started walking home talking to each other. Oh! Their identities have not been given to you yet. Let's go home and tell you about their identity and what happened a little while ago.

Aria Noor. This time the shadow is studying in the first year of honors. Pretty nice to see. Aria with long thick black hair. Any boy will be forced to fall in love with Aria's long thick black hair. Aria is a little too naughty. Aria is the daughter of a poor family. No father. Mother and a younger brother. Arya's father died in a road accident when Arya was young. Aria's younger brother Fahim was one year old then. Since then, Arya's mother Runa Begum has taken the helm of the world. Arya works in people's homes and makes them read and write. Now Arya takes the helm of the world along with her mother. Aria started doing tuition. Aria tutored the children in addition to her own reading and writing. Aria's younger brother is now in the sixth grade. Aria and Runa Begum leave their family with the money they earn. The three of them spent the whole day happily smiling. Seeing them, I don't think they have any problem. This is the world of Aria.

There will be a freshman ceremony at Ariad College. So the principal has ordered all the shadows to sweep the field after the college holidays. Today the new committee of the college will come. Ariar doesn't know much about his relationship. Earlier his father was a committee member of this college. And this year his son has been a committee member of this college.

Ariar Chowdhury is the son of one of Abir Chowdhury's mothers. Reading and writing have been completed from abroad. Pretty handsome to look at, smart, dashing. But quite angry. I don't like talking. Arian will leave the job he wants to do. Whether it is a bad or a good deed. All day long, his heart was pounding with his friends. Love seems to him like arthritis. To date, he has been involved in relationships with many girls. He has no account. Playing with the minds of girls is a common thing for him. Arian's arrogance is a little high. Aryan came to Bangladesh one year ago. This is the world of Aryans.

All the girls in the college are full of praise for Aryan. To see this is to see that. Aria is annoyed to hear all this. All the girls were overjoyed to hear that she would come to college today. Aria saw their manner and started sweeping with a broom in her hand. Their team has been divided. Today they will sweep five girls together. Everyone is busy sweeping. After a while, the three of them and Rimi went to drink water. Aria continues to sweep alone. They will actually go to Aria to drink water later. Suddenly Aria's eyes go to the boy wearing a black shirt. The boy was Aryan. College comedian. Aryan was talking on the phone. Aria draws in her mind. Aria has been harassed for sweeping, so Aria wondered who would sweep this boy. That's what you think. As soon as Aryan finished talking on the phone, Aryan asked Arian to pick up the broom and give it to him. But what did Aria know that the boy was the committee of this college. Aria's broken forehead. Then this stem becomes. Aryan became angry. Aria fled in fear. I don't know what Aryan will do to Arya if he stays for a while? Because Aria sang his notoriety in front of Arian. Forgetting about college, Aria came home on foot. Arias' house and Rimi's house are side by side.

Arya entered the house saying goodbye to Rimi. He entered the house and shouted at his mother.

- Mom is hungry. Give me something to eat.

- Not cooked yet. Which comes hand-in-hand.

- Why is it so late to cook? The next time you cook late, I will change you and put you in a new job, Runa, you understand.

Runa Begum heard this from the kitchen and shouted.

- What did you say? I'm bringing hot kaira.

Frightened, Aria hurried to the bathroom.




- Nahid, who was that girl? The girl who held the broom in my hand?

-Brother, that girl is a student of our college. Honors is in the first year. The name is Aria.

Arian said angrily.

- I see a match with my name - I remember.

What a great courage of the girl. Holds the broom in my hand.

-Brother Aria doesn't seem to recognize you. So maybe the broom .......

Aryan said angrily without letting Nahid say the rest.

- Whatever? He must be punished for this mistake.

- Forget it, brother.

As soon as Aryan looked at Nahid with tears in his eyes, Nahid fell silent and bowed his head.

Arian said to himself.

- Arya, I'll see you.





Aria fell asleep after eating Fahim at night.

After breakfast in the morning, Aria started going to college with Rimi. In my mind, God is doing God. He entered the college with a fu on his chest. After entering the college and walking some distance, someone suddenly called out "Jharu Ali" from behind. Arya and Rimi looked back and saw Aryan Chowdhury and his friends standing there. Seeing Aryan, Aryan's throat became dry with fear. In my mind, Arya is going to be God. Look at Rimi Aria and see her condition.

Arian stands in front of his friends Aria and Rimi. Arian gritted his teeth.

- This is that broom Ali. Won't you sweep me today?

Aria bowed her head and said in a trembling voice.

-S ... sorry! I didn't really know you were a college committee. Please forgive me.

Aryan said in an angry voice.

-Not broom Ali. When you made a mistake. You must be punished.

Aria got scared when she heard about the punishment. Fear said amata amata.

- A ... What is the punishment?

Eat Ginny. Shafiq Khan's daughter. Aryan's father's friend Shafiq Khan. Ginny is in the same class with Aria in this college. Arian's girlfriend. Ginny said in a girl's voice.

- Aryan baby ... give him a big punishment. So that this gay girl understands what is the result of holding the broom in your hand?

Aria looked at Ginny and smiled.

- Wait, Ginny, look how I punish him.

This girl gets up and sits in front of everyone in the field. Get up and sit down until I tell you to stop.

When Aria heard this, she widened her eyes and looked at Arian. This time Aria gets very angry when she hears about Arian. Unknowingly or unknowingly made the mistake. This will punish him. Aria shouted?







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3 years ago
