What's Behind Quitting?

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2 years ago

Why do most people quit?

You start, you get tired, you quit. When you desire to have a better physique, you choose to start a workout routine. You are doing the same exercises for almost 4 months. However, one day, you look at yourself in the mirror, take a tape measure, and notice no change. It’s tiring. The next morning, you decide to have heavy meals, sweets, and unhealthy snacks, and eventually stop doing the routine you started 4 months ago. In other words, you quit the whole idea of being healthy and building a better body. What a waste.

It is human nature to quit or leave in the middle of the process when things don’t go as we assume they would be. In reality, we are torn between quitting and resisting. In our daily lives, there is no second that we consider stopping to do this or that. We are constantly seeking results, no matter what the process is. But why did Seth Godin say, “Winners quit all the time”? Simple. They are wise enough to quit the right things at the right time.

Reconsider Quitting

These days, we see posts our friends on social media, and we can notice how they glow up. How? I’ll tell you some of the habits they probably might have erased from their system. First, they quit sleeping late at 11 in the evening. They quit those skincare products which did not benefit them or even did worst. Consequently, they now spend more time on the good habits or products that will lead them to their end goal.

I want you to take this time, get a pen and a notebook, and list those things that you are considering quitting right now. Be honest, I won’t judge. Are you done? Great. Now, quit. If it’s not giving you even the smallest amount of pleasure or excitement, quit it. To be my version of myself this year, I walked out from some parts of my past self which were not guiding me to who I really am. I started by assessing what was my current stand. And that leads me in quitting. I quit apologizing when I did nothing wrong. I quit worshipping people. I quit being afraid to fail. And I quit being content with mediocrity. Winners are not just persistent. They are wiser than the thought of perseverance.

Being in the Dip

Pain pushes us to quit. It’s the easier way of escaping from the grueling process of triumph. Quitting results in scarcity and scarcity creates value. This is certainly the reason why those well-known companies in the industry are in the top spot. “Winners win big due to the reason that the marketplace loves a winner”. People who know the difference between “taking risks” and “calculating risks” win. But the reality is, we don’t have much time to take a lot of risks. That’s why we settle for less than we are capable of. We choose to be on average. Mediocrity. We play safe, so, we settle for just being good enough instead of being the best in the world.

Are you dismayed (sometimes or most of the times) when your elementary batchmate who is less talented than you become successful?

Starting a new business or new hobby is fun, isn’t it? You have fresh ideas, energy, and even positive feedback from people around you. Only if the whole process stays like this then, no one would have quit, and there would be no scarcity. However, the dip happens. Do you know what the dip looks like? The dip, according to Seth Godin, is “the long slog between starting and mastery”. In the real picture, you are exactly in the dip when everything starts to get difficult and tougher to handle. The dip is unpredictable since you are so immensely focused on your beginner’s luck. The dip where only a few decided to go through it. Successful people, CEOs for instance, push harder to get into that executive position in the company.

The idea of Seth Godin “If it is worth doing, there’s probably a Dip” switched and convinced me that his book is a good catch. Not all talented, intelligent, and skilled people succeed in life. We often get intimidated by them and we expect them to be the ones who will get the trophy and medal at the finish line. But the Dip makes such a great plot twist.

Photo Source: Scribd via Google

Resistance is a perfect ally of a person in the dip. It is his weapon to success. Yes, success happens in the dip. On the contrary, it is easier said than done. Resisting is not just resisting. It requires your rededication. Think twice and be wise.

Do not quit

Quit but do not quit. Quit the tactic, not the goal. Quitting when you fail is not a great choice. I know you’re well aware that failing is part of the process. When you decide to quit, you’re unconsciously closing that door for you to reach your goals. This may sound selfish. When you quit, you’re letting someone be on the spot which is supposed to be yours.

I don’t want to live with regrets, and you also must. Quitting early, while you’re still on the dip, can lead you to the what-ifs. The current struggles that you have are nothing compared to the accomplishment you will receive when you do not quit. Are you also hoping to be the best? Not on the whole market, but on the segment you choose. Then, do not quit.

There’s a millionaire’s saying that if you quit it, you do not really want it in the first place. Consistency proves that you are passionate about what you’re doing. And that dip, where the majority give up too soon, molds you to be consistent, wiser, bolder, and thus, become a winner. If you’re going to give your best shot at the beginning of the race then, quitting must not be your option. Keep leaning into the dip. Push harder. Because that dip is primarily your advantage to those who quit the moment they step into the dip.

And let me tell you, even in the Bible, it is written:

"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the price? Run in such a way as to get the prize" 1 Corinthians 9:24

So friend, do not be anxious no matter how long you're in the process, struggling in the dip. There is certainly a reason why you chose to begin this and keep that, plant it deep in your heart. Do not let someone take it away from you. Just like your faith in Him. Sending my warmest hugs to everyone who's struggling right now.

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