mindset on overcoming insecurities

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10 months ago

Living a life completely devoid of insecurity is a fallacy because insecurities are a natural and widespread human experience. Throughout our lives, we encounter moments of uncertainty and self-doubt, whether they stem from our physical appearance, achievements, or social comparisons. It is essential to acknowledge that even in today's world, businesses and media often exploit our insecurities, capitalizing on our vulnerabilities to sell products and promote ideals that perpetuate unrealistic standards of beauty, success, and happiness. For instance, the thriving market for whitening products targets individuals who feel insecure about their skin color, reinforcing the notion that one must conform to certain beauty norms to be accepted.

While striving for self-improvement and personal growth is valid, it is crucial to approach these insecurities with a healthy mindset and perspective. Recognizing that none of us are born with insecurities can be a powerful reminder that these feelings develop over time due to societal influences and conditioning. Therefore, to address insecurities effectively, we must target their root causes rather than merely treating the symptoms:

As someone who has experienced various insecurities, I have discovered and learned from self-help resources about mindset habits that can be transformative in overcoming these challenges:

Understanding the Mechanisms of Society 

Edward Bernays says, “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, and our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of”. 

Being aware of these manipulations and recognizing that many of the standards imposed upon us are constructed can help us challenge their influence and foster a more independent mindset. By questioning and critically analyzing the messages we receive from the media, we can liberate ourselves from the pressure to conform and find authenticity in our choices and self-expression.

Being Mindful of Consumed Content 

Nowadays, it is difficult not to compare ourselves to others. We often find ourselves unconsciously wanting to live the life of someone. Further, it happens when we constantly check our social media accounts and saw nice photos of someone’s clear skin, pretty makeup, dream body, and simply, THAT GIRL life. But in reality, that photo is only a 1-second glimpse of their day yet we tend to compare it with our  24-hour scene. Based on that highlight reel, we create conclusions about their lives when we don’t know what happens with their behind-the-scenes. So why do we do this? Simple. It’s ultimately easier to look externally. Well, spending that time and energy comparing ourselves to who we were yesterday is far better. 

A simple tip to avoid this situation is to stop following influencers or celebrities with picture-perfect reels that make you insecure about yourself. For example, on Instagram, you can only follow your colleagues or closest friends whom you’re comfortable with. Through this, it will give you more social peace thus, will help you to love yourself even more. 

In today's interconnected world, social media can amplify feelings of insecurity as we compare ourselves to others' curated highlight reels. However, it is crucial to remember that these snapshots do not represent the entirety of their lives. Instead of fixating on comparisons, invest time and energy in self-reflection and personal growth. Focus on your own journey, progress, and unique qualities, celebrating the path that is authentic to you. Practicing mindfulness and gratitude can also help ground you in the present moment and reduce the tendency to dwell on feelings of inadequacy.

Curating Your Social Media Feed

Taking control of the content you consume on social media platforms is empowering. Unfollow accounts that trigger feelings of insecurity or inadequacy, and instead, follow those that inspire and uplift you. Cultivate connections with friends and colleagues who provide a positive and supportive social network. By surrounding yourself with positivity, you create an environment conducive to self-love and growth.

Embracing Individuality and Personal Style

Trends and societal expectations are transient and ever-changing. Embracing your individuality and cultivating your unique style and preferences allows you to express your authentic self confidently. Understanding that trends come and go grants you the freedom to make choices based on your values, aspirations, and long-term goals rather than succumbing to the pressures of conformity.

By adopting these mindset habits, you can gradually shift your focus from seeking external validation and comparisons to cultivating self-acceptance and personal growth. Overcoming insecurities is an ongoing and transformative process that requires patience, self-compassion, and a commitment to personal development. Remember that everyone faces challenges and insecurities, but by nurturing a positive mindset and embracing your uniqueness, you can flourish and lead a more fulfilling life.

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