Here's what the body lacks if you feel like eating sweets

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Avatar for shenagi
3 years ago

As someone who often likes to eat sweets, I advise you to think carefully about what your body is missing before you start eating, for example, cakes or some shopping biscuits. Now the question arises, what is it that makes you eat sweets?Maybe it’s that you’re missing some mineral or nutrient. For example, cave people used to eat only once a day a long time ago, and then it evolved into a human, and today's people eat five times a day. The bottom line is that when you eat something sweet, your body lacks Chromium. For example, cakes, biscuits, your sugar level increases, which is logical, however, the release of insulin also happens in the body. The problem is that if you don't control your craving for sweets, then over time the need for sweets will increase. Of course there is a solution, and that is chromium and you can eat this mineral, because this mineral establishes the balance of insulin and it is chromium that provides control of the desire for sweets.

One of the ideas is breakfast and the start of the day is very important. Regardless of this topic, many people skip breakfast, and many doctors say that breakfast is the most important meal. It's not complicated, there are enough eggs and bread. During the day, be sure to eat vegetables and it will in some way control your blood sugar, because by about 4 pm your sugar level will not drop. The next thing that can help you is magnesium. Most people, perhaps even over eighty percent of the world's population, do not get enough magnesium when it comes to one day and that is exactly why you lack sweets. Few people know that magnesium is good for preventing anxiety, especially now in times of a pandemic. Magnesium also helps the immune system as well as bone health. The best recipe for this is to eat one piece of dark chocolate in the morning. For example, almonds, spinach, sunflower seeds are foods rich in magnesium. Another example, half a soy salt contains half the required dose of magnesium in one day. However, an even better idea is fatty yogurt and bananas.

My recommendation is also avocado, it is really full of vitamins and I think that these are good ideas for you and that I will reduce my craving for sweets together with you.

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3 years ago
