platonic love

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3 years ago

Do you have a friend.. a boy or girl... that you really liked? As in you like him/her as more than a friend?

But for many years until now, you stayed as "friends". A platonic relationship with your long-time crush. This may sound cheesy or shallow but what you feel may not be as shallow as the term 'crush'.

It can be love.

Platonic love is anything but love interest for not more than friends. You both can share same principles, beliefs and interests but don't see each other as lovers.

Deep inside, you share the same vibe. You could've been great partners in crime for life but there is a line between you that you cannot cross.

You're not the only one who is 'friend zone' for sure.

Not everyone is lucky to be liked back by someone in their circle of friends because it is against the rule. Friends should be friends or else the bond might be ruined.

It is a gamble to tell someone that you like him/her knowing that all your time together were as friends. Being reciprocated with your true feelings is really a nice feeling and not everybody gets that chance.

Unrequited love is painful but between two platonic friends, if one starts to build sexual affection while the other doesn't, then it is a problem.

Platonic relationships can be best preserved and nurtured by:

  • Set boundaries

  • Know your limitations with one another

  • Don't be too physically intimate

  • Value each other's privacy and other relationships

Mutual understandings are possible between platonic relationships but if you really value your friendship and don't see it really working in the end then suppress what you feel.


Friendship is better than sexual desires. Friendships weigh deeper than any romantic relationship for most cases that we all need to think twice whether we would blur the lines between platonic friends.

Think deeply whether you would set aside a deep friendship to become lovers knowing that you can only choose one between the two.

There is really no 'friendship' when two lovers break up. No blur lines.

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3 years ago
