Sharp Bunnies Products And Features Explained

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Are you looking to purchase an absolutely unique and totally new kind of NFT backed by some of the cutest things on the planet? Welcome to Sharp Bunnies!

When you Buy Sharp Bunnies (NFT), you get a chance to win FREE rewards and can also stake your NFTs to win $LUCK. Here’s everything you need to know about Sharp Bunnies, our products and features.

What are Sharp Bunnies?

Sharp Bunnies is a collection of 9999 programmatically generated unique bunny and egg images (artwork). Each Sharp Bunnies NFT has over 200+ attributes that make them different from each other. You can mint the NFTs on the official website of Sharp Bunnies and stake them to earn $LUCK.

Other than that, NFT holders can also play exciting games on the Sharp Bunnies website to win $LUCK tokens.

While Sharp Bunnies are non-fungible tokens, with a fixed limited number and each token different from another, $LUCK is your regular cryptocurrency and can be traded on exchanges.

The value of Sharp Bunnies will depend on how rare it is and how much demand it has in the market. And for that of $LUCK, the value will depend on its market demand and popularity and will increase as more users buy and trade the token.

Sharp Bunnies Top Features

The top 3 features of Sharp Bunnies are as follows:

Everyone is a Winner!

Every single person who mints Sharp Bunnies NFT will also get a Lucky Egg. In other words, you receive two unique NFTs for the price of one. This makes sure that everyone, every buyer of Sharp Bunnies, is a winner.

Play to Earn ($LUCK)

Sharp Bunnies will hold a number of existing new games and Olympics-like events, which not only give you a chance to put your NFTs to use but also enable you to earn interesting rewards while doing so.

All Sharp Bunnies holders can participate in the games and competitions and win & earn rewards, including cashbacks, tokens, and more.

New games will be released every four months.


Raffle is the most interesting part of Sharp Bunnies, some would say. It is a unique buy-and-earn program where the buyers of Sharp Bunnies NFT will each stand a chance to win ETH or USD through a lucky reward system.

40 token holders are randomly selected and rewarded with ETH or USD for every 100 tokens minted. That is, for every 1000 NFTs minted, 400 buyers/holders will win. The winners will be given a portion of sales (to be announced later).

Sharp Bunnies Journey & Roadmap

NFT minting will start in the first quarter of 2022. In Phase 1, a total of 9999 Sharp Bunnies tokens will be minted. 400 winners will be selected and rewarded randomly for every 1000 tokens minted.

Game development will commence.

In Phase 2, the first Play to Earn game of Sharp Bunnies will launch. During the same period, the team will start working on the Sharp Bunnies Merchandise, a unique collection of designer clothes inspired by Sharp Bunnies images (bunnies and eggs)

In Phase 3, Sharp Bunnies Merchandise will be launched for sale on platforms like Amazon and the revenue will be shared with the community (token holders).

In future, the team will also introduce a member+1 program for event participation.

You can subscribe to our Telegram Group, And Discord or follow us on Twitter for the latest updates about the Sharp Bunnies NFT project.

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2 years ago
