The depressed life of unemployed people

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If you want to know what depression is, how terrible depression is, then sit next to an unemployed person and try to listen to his story. Then maybe you will understand how terrible depression is. If the person is middle class then there is no point. Unemployment is middle class, it is like a cruel joke. A middle-class boy or girl is constantly suffering from depression with a thousand tensions in his or her head, on top of which unemployment throws life into darkness.

An unemployed boy has to listen to thousands of words all the time just for his unemployment. No matter how good the boy is, if he can't afford a good income, he has no value. Because in this society, not a good mentality, the value is paid based on a good income. Everyone's loving son may come after a while and become a burden to the family. And he always has to hear, "How much more will you eat at Dad's income? Do something this time." And only an unemployed boy knows how insulting and painful this one thing is.

Unemployed boy has many dreams but not all dreams come true because he doesn't have the ability to fulfill dreams. At some point, even the person he loves may have to give up unemployment. At that end of the phone when the girl says, "My marriage is coming, something Do it," then the unemployed boy has a strong desire to hold the person of love, but he has to bury that desire in his chest and say,"You get married."Because he knows he can't do anything. And a parent will never leave their daughter in the hands of an unemployed boy.

Everyone in this city can be heartbroken by raising questions about unemployment but no one helps to eradicate unemployment.

The unemployed boy may one day get a job but won't get back the person of love lost for the job, the unemployed boy may one day be able to earn income but the hardships of being unemployed will never be forgotten.

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