Go out and look for your success

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Success!! Whatever everyone wants. Today all the people of the world are dreaming of getting it.

Insulting people in the morning, listening to various kinds of talk and dreaming of success at night again.

Success isn't a dream, success isn't a future, nor is success measured by money. But every human being wants to own it to alleviate their suffering, to show their power.

I know you want to get it too. But do you know what stage you have to take yourself to get it ?? How much hard work, how much to give up, how much hardship to endure ??

When many people don't understand your goal, they will wanna take you with them, they will wanna break your dream, maybe they will be able to break it.However, by pressing this dream to your chest, you will continue to add your dream little by little.

Hard work!! which can't be measured night and day, you have to rush to that work. You have to dedicate 18 hours a day to that favorite work forgetting the comfort of zone.

Sacrifice!! What not everyone wants to do. Maybe this sacrifice is your favorite food, maybe this sacrifice is a comfort zone, maybe this sacrifice is for a friend, maybe this sacrifice is for a social life or maybe this sacrifice is for your favorite people. You have to give up all this, to get success.

Today many wanna break you, many wanna hurt you. Every moment they wanna push you, they wanna throw you on the ground of failure because they don't wanna see you succeed. But today you are standing firm for this goal of yours, you aren't giving up your dream in any way. One step, one step you are moving forward towards that success again. Anyone don't understand this pain. Maybe many will say, what a dream it's again!! Maybe many will laugh and joke, but you will move forward with these difficulties.

When your friends wanna take you with them but you know the fight for your success isn't over yet you will get back to your work to achieve success.

When your body gets tired and the bed in front of you calls you, you will finish all the fatigue in an instant and you will be able to work again for the purpose of that dream, for the purpose of that success.

When your loved one asks you for time, for a little love, you will give your time to your work, to the work that will one day turn into success. Then you have to leave your loved one, your friends, your comfort zone.

And then when everyone starts to think you are crazy, to leave your company, to keep you in solitary confinement, then you will get your hard work with you which won't make you feel alone, it will fight with you every moment to get that success. Yeah, your pain will show you the way. And just then success will come from behind and call you and you will see that you have left success behind.And in front of you you will see your friends, lover, parents and the whole world clapping for you. Maybe even that day no one will understand the value of the hardships and sacrifices left behind, maybe even that day many may think, your success is very easy and that's why many people still think it's easy. But it isn't easy.If you really want to get it, you have to pay for it.

You know your goal, you know how to achieve your success. So don't wait any longer, go out and look for your success...

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