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3 years ago

Hookah, Shisha or Hooka, whatever you call it, an exotic device hundreds of years old has always intrigued people all over the world. Its aromatic smoke is equally enjoyed by men and women. It has come a long way since the first Persian coconut prototype. It has always inspired artists and writers, and nowadays it also inspires designers. Porsche Design Shisha presented this otherwise lavish and decadent oriental pipe in a completely new minimalist light.

The hookah originated in the northern part of India, present-day Iran, which then belonged to the Persian Empire. At first it was quite primitive and made of coconut. Later, the wealthy Persians decided to redesign it so that they could smoke opium or hashish on it, thus approaching a form similar to today's.

It spread across Iran to other Arab countries to complete its evolution in Turkey and as such has been known around the world for more than a hundred years. The Turks also brought it to the Balkans during the conquests.

The hookah is used to smoke a special type of tobacco that is not dry but mixed with honey or molasses and aromas of various dried fruits such as apples, cherries, strawberries, kiwis, peaches, bananas, pineapples, etc. Many scientists researching the history of this device have not yet figured out what exactly the Indians, or Persians, smoked in the very beginning because the discovery of tobacco dates back about 200 years after the advent of the hookah.

This oriental pipe with a long flexible tube that continues to the ‘body’ of the hookah, which looks like a vase. In it, the smoke, which is produced by the hot coals on top that heat the molasses, is cooled by passing through water. Water can be enriched with rose essential oil, and over time many alternative methods have developed such as using wine, vodka or milk instead of water.

Due to its interesting shape and rich decorations, in many western homes it serves as a likable decoration, while most residents of the Middle East use hookah daily - as a 'dessert' after dinner or lunch, relaxing with hibiscus tea or a pleasant refreshment during a backgammon party - the oldest social games of eastern countries.

Aromatic hookah smoke can be extracted for up to two hours. That is why it is said that the hookah is not smoked, but enjoyed. However, it is important to mention that it is not smoked but 'smoked' - it is better not to inhale the smoke, especially when the smoking is coming to an end, and the molasses burns almost all of it.


- A person who composes shishu has the right of priority when it comes to smoking

- The hookah tube is transferred to the next one in a clockwise direction

- No type of substance is smoked with the help of hookah except the intended type of tobacco

- Shisha is always smoked with the right hand because in some countries of the Arab world the left hand is considered unclean

- Take care of your health! If you are sick do not accept hookah so as not to infect friends, and otherwise it is appropriate that everyone has their own smoking extension on top that can be improvised from a piece of foil

- Do not light a cigarette on hot coals because according to shisha lovers it can disrupt the rhythm of burning

- Do not pass the smoking pipe from hand to hand and be careful not to place it somewhere high at the level of the smoker's face with the tip facing it, as it is made to stand exclusively on the ground.

- Be careful never to smoke smoke straight in the face of a person around or across from you

- It is polite if every smoker, when it is his turn, does not delay in passing. Two to three minutes is an acceptable shisha retention time

The hookah was a big hit in elite female society in many countries in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Wealthy ladies were happy to pose with her in various photos.

A large number of painters and writers also found inspiration in this device. Among them is Honore de Balzac, who pictorially in his book 'Alice in Wonderland' staged a caterpillar that enjoys the crackling smoke from a hookah on its mushroom.

The hookah inspires many artists and designers to this day. A few years ago, the well-known company Porsche Design designed the elegant minimalist Shishu made of premium materials such as stainless steel, aluminum and glass, and the long flexible tube is made of a material called TecFlex, from which Porsche also produces its ballpoint pens. With this product, Porsche has completed the World Collection, a series of designer pieces that includes tea sets and chopsticks.

Traveling the world with product design has delighted fans of international 'treasures'. It was initially sold exclusively at Porsche's boutique in Harrods, London, but soon became available in hundreds of other stores around the world. It is best received in their stores in Dubai, where as many as seven have been opened, so we have no doubt that this

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3 years ago
