Reasons Why Prayer Changes Everything

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2 years ago

We are lucky to have a heavenly Father to whom we may always turn with confidence, especially when we need a miracle or a blessing. The key thing to remember is that God has not abandoned you or forgotten about you. "The LORD Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you," the Bible says. "Do not be fearful or discouraged" (Deuteronomy 31:8). God has also promised to answer every prayer in accordance with His marvelous grace, infinite power, and infinite love and faithfulness. According to His power at work inside us, we should have implicit confidence that He is capable of doing immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. We often fail to ask God for miracles in our lives, and as a result, we settle for less than God's best for us. The truth is that if we trust in God's Son, Jesus Christ, we can always approach Him with confidence. We also understand that prayer has tremendous power to affect change. Here are six reasons why prayer can transform your life.

It transforms us from within.

Prayer is an effective way to communicate with our heavenly Father. It's an opportunity to unite with the all-powerful Creator and Giver. Prayer gives us strength for the present and hope for the future. We should pray actively and believe in its ability to change our circumstances for the better. The quality of your prayer life is strongly related to your faith life. Not only the people and things around you can be changed by prayer. Prayer has the ability to transform you from the inside out. Remember that God is the greatest healer and can guide you in countless ways when you need it. You may trust God to steer your way if your heart and life are oriented on Him, His Word, and His Holy Spirit.

It strengthens our faith.

Many of us are in life-threatening situations that require a breakthrough. Yet, most of us sit and wait for God to intervene, then question why we don't see breakthrough as frequently or as quickly as we'd want. What we need to understand is that breakthrough does not come from waiting. Breakthrough occurs when we respond in obedience to what God has already commanded and promised. When we pray and trust God's plan, breakthrough occurs. Breakthrough occurs when we declare that we will trust God to supernaturally do the impossible. God brings about the breakthrough, but we must take the initial step of trust. We must believe in God's kindness, that God has already decreed our life's breakthrough.

We Gain a Better Understanding of God

Praying for God to release the Holy Spirit's presence in your life has tremendous power. The Holy Spirit was highly valued by Jesus. He actually told the disciples that it would be better for them if He left so that they could receive the Spirit. "Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: It is expedient for you that I walk away," the Bible says (John 16:7). Jesus can only be in one place at a time, even in His resurrected form. However, His Spirit can be found wherever. This is why Jesus stated that His departure will benefit us. Through the omnipresence of the Holy Spirit, He desires for all men and women to have a relationship with Him. This is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of benefits. "For I do not go away, the Counselor will not come to you," the Bible says. But if I have to leave, I'll send Him to you" (John 16:7). The Holy Spirit is referred to as the Helper by Jesus here. You are getting to know God on earth through relying on the Holy Spirit's power. God's inherent nature is expressed through the Spirit.

We are taught how to listen.

It's simple to talk to God and make our demands, but it's far more difficult to listen to what he has to say. True listening to God is a skill that takes practice and dedication. This is accomplished through prayer. Hearing God's voice is tough when we are listening to every other voice than His. We may educate our ears to recognize God's voice above all the noise, according to the writer of Hebrews. "But substantial nourishment belongs to the old, that is, to those who have had their senses exercised to discern both good and bad by use" (Hebrews 5:14). We are able to determine whether what we hear is from God, our flesh, or the Enemy when we practice. It's critical that we listen to the Holy Spirit and understand how He speaks and works through us. "Let him who has ears [to hear] listen and consider and observe and comprehend by hearing," Jesus said (Matthew 13:9). Pray that God would give you a listening and obeying heart.

It develops patience.

Patience is required for listening to God, and praying to God increases patience. Being patient can be difficult on some days. We get bored of waiting when we bring our worries to the Lord over and over. It quickly becomes apparent that our prayers are being ignored. It is our fleshly reaction to the silence to want to take control and to "do the best we can." Knowing that patience is listed as a fruit of the Holy Spirit in Galatians 5, we acknowledge our desire to dominate our own lives. Even as we wait on the Lord, we beg the Spirit to fill us, enabling and directing us.This strength comes from being filled with the Spirit and believing in God's promises. We know as Christians that the greatest source of patience is found inside us. Our job is to believe that the Holy Spirit resides inside us and to ask Him for the strength to endure in any situation.

It Aids Us in Surrender

We surrender ourselves to God when we pray to Him. When you give your life to God, you're following His direction without knowing where He'll take you. You're awaiting God's timing, but you have no idea when it will arrive. You're hoping for a miracle but have no idea what God will do. You're also trusting God's plan despite your lack of comprehension of the situation. When you trust on God to work things out rather than trying to manipulate others, press your agenda, or control a situation, you've submitted to Him. This is when you fully let go and trust God to take care of everything. You don't have to be in command all of the time. You trust more instead of working harder. When you don't react to criticism and rush to protect yourself, you've surrendered. In relationships, surrendered hearts shine brightest. Prayer affects everyone, starting with the one who prays. "Do not be frightened; do not be discouraged," the Bible says, "because the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go" (Joshua 1:9). It's critical that we not only pray to God, but also believe in His promises to us. A powerful prayer life can completely change your life. A vigorous prayer life will push you closer to God. By calling on God and deciding to trust Him, you can discover Him in any situation.

Always pray❤️

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2 years ago
